
How do I ask a guy if he wants to be friends?

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Well im at a new high school, and i have met a lot of new people. This one guy is in 4 of my periods and he looks like he has a great personality and is decent. ,,, How do i ask him if he wants to be friends? thx :)




  1. you dont ask ANYONE to be your friend.... thats like 2nd grade c**p.... you just start taking to him.... thats how friendships develop

  2. Just start talking to him and over time ya'll might(or might not) become really good friends

  3. see if any of your current friends are his friend. If any of them are just ask if you can tag along with them and slowly make friends with him.

  4. i think you should walk up to him and ask him to be friends

  5. You don't ask people if they wanna be your friend. It just happens. Asking them is creepy O.o

  6. Just spend time with him after school.

  7. Just open your mouth and speak to him.

  8. just start talking to him.  im sure your're a really nice person, he'll come around on his own.


  9. you dont rly ask someone

    if they wanna be friends. you

    become friends. just start

    talking to him a lot.

    good luck:)

  10. Say hey dude, lets be friends!!!!!!

  11. if he sits anywhere near you try to engage in conversation that leads in a common interest or maybe some kind of tv show taht is popular. or starting with a joke. or funny quote.

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