
How do I ask a guy out in middle school?

by Guest33931  |  earlier

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I've known him since 4th grade and we just started 6th grade but we have no classes together. We were friends at the beginning of 5th grade for a while until his best friend started a rumor that he likes me, so he got embarrassed and stopped talking to me. But I broke the ice and we started talking again and then he gave me his phone number and we talked a little and we text. I flirted a little and I'm not sure if he gets the message or if he likes me back.

Now that we started 6th grade, he started ignoring me again and everytime i try to talk to him, he just nonchalantly does something else or he can't look me in the eye like he used to. I miss him and i have no idea how to get him to talk to me again or to ask me out. The only time we have together is lunchtime but he usually sits with his friends who think I'm evil and constantly teases me.

Should I ask my crush out? If yes, how?





  1. hi, i'm a junior in high school. i remember middle school very vividly, and it seems like having a boyfriend is everything (i'm not saying you just want to date him so u can say you have a boyfriend, but for the record) i think u should just leave it alond and wait untill high school and then if you still feel the same way, ask him out. i had a boyfriend for two years in middle school, but if someone asks "oh have u ever had a boyfriend before" i don't count the middle school one at all because it sounds really uncool. so idk thats my story/opinion. maybe it'll help

  2. Im in 7th Grade now and i'm a guy. Seriously, we may want to get into a serious relationship, but it is not worth it in 6th grade. Everybody was way to immature about it and now in 7th grade MOST people have gotten mature. You may want to wait one more year before asking this guy out, but trust me. If he likes YOU let HIM make the first move. You just make it seem like you are interested when you talk to him. But wait until 7th or 8th grade before you start anything serious, and use ms as a learning experience, dont count it when people ask you if you have dated when u get to highschool. Hope i could HELP!!!

  3. he most likely likes you if hes not talking to you

    some people find it hard to talk to their crushes

    you should just ask him

    if you cant do it yourself get a friend to

    if he says no then thats his loss

    good luck xx


  4. -dress your best

    - talk to him every chance you get

    - flash your best smile when you see him

    - try talking to him on text,aim,myspace,facebook (if he has one)

    - flirt

    -then once you get to talk to him a Lot..casually bring up the subject of going out

    =) hope i helped

  5. Can you say immature!! HUN... seriously????????????? Your in 6th grade... don't get into that yet... it's stupid....... hun... astro signs don't say a d**n thing!! I'm in 8th grade and i know it's not much better but hun... seriously......... NOOOOOO!!! don't ask him out.. wait at least another year cuz now would be way to soon... especially cuz it's the beginning of the year.. wait...

  6. become more friendly w/ him and get his friends to like you, but dont change yourself to do that. if you have to change your self for a guys hes not the right guy you should be dating. then once your friends again , if you think its the right time, and hes all alone w. none of your friends or none of his, ask him

  7. i think the people he hangs around with(his friends)..doesn't like u and i think he goes along with it...agreeing to what they are saying. anyways, the thing is..always be yourself, dont act like a girlygirl..probably he liekd u the wayy u are. and also, just because astro signs says u two belong together, doesn't it's true, not saying that it can. but here's what i think, u see how he ignores u, and whenever u try to talk to him..he quickly tries to get away...well do the same thing! ignore him, when he's next to u..act like he's not there!!!!!!

    he will notice it, and will think why ur not talking to him

  8. you are in 6th grade. the best advice i can possibly give to you is to just wait until high school. it seems like a really long time, but i am a freshman this year, and it seems like just yesterday that i was in 6th grade. use middle school as a time to build amazing friendships, and use high school as a  time to build an amazing relationship.

    when i was your age all i could think about was guys, and despite my huge intelligence i got very bad grades in middle school because i'd sit in class day dreaming about the guy i liked and i never did my homework because i'd sit at the computer waiting for the 'flavor of the week' to sign on to IM.

    don't s***w up your middle school years worrying about something that is totally unnecessary at your age.


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