
How do I ask for Vegetarian food at a restaurant in Mexico city ?

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am staying at a hotel in Zona Rosa




  1. Vegetarian cuisine isn't exactly vegetarian-friendly, and even if you say "sin carne", they may end up serving you something made with chicken or pork or beef broth.  Your best bet is to go to purely vegetarian restaurants.  Here's a link to, a directory of vegetarian restaurants all over the world.

    Good luck!

  2. salad = ensalada

    vegetarian food = comida vegetariana

    do you have any vegetarian dish? =tienen algun platillo vegetariano?

    if u go 2 a restaurant and u r gonna order a salad checj if it doesnt have any meat this r the key words inthe description of the dishes:

    chicken = pollo

    tuna = atun

    egg = huevo ( dunno if u eat egg)

    shrimp = camaron


    I can't eat meat. Do you(formal) have anything without meat to offer?

  4. Soy vegetariano (a).  No puedo comer carne.  ?Tiene Ud. algo sin carne?

  5. My spanish isnt perfect, and anyway mexican spanish is a bit different


    carne =meat

    sin= without

    so asking for something "sin carne" is without meat!

  6. My favorite vegetarian restaurants in/near the Zona Rosa are

    Restauarante Vegetariano Yug which is just south of Reforma(at Varsovia 3).They have a great lunch buffet for $5USD from 1PM to 5PM daily. They also have four-course comidas corridas (set meals) served with a drink and whole wheat bread for a little less.This restaurant is a favorite off the many office workers in the Zona Rosa.

    A little more upscale is Restaurate Vegetariano Las Fuentes just a couple of blocks from the Zona Rosa (at Rio Panuco 127). Open from 8am to 6pm They serve big breakfasts for $4-5 USD and full vegitarian meals for lunch or an early dinner for $7-8 USD.

    If you need some more choices in the Centro or Alameda areas feel free to email me.Buen Provecho!

  7. We have many vegetarian restaurants. In la Zona Rosa ask for "Restaurante Yug" its a vegetarian restaurant.


    Varsovia nº 3

    On the same street walk a block further and you will find a chinese restaurant they have great vegetarian chop suei and big meals. You can have breakfast there and the best thing is that They are so inexpensive.

    In Spanich just say "Soy vegetariano" "Sin carne porfavor"

  8. If you're up for more authentic mexican dishes, there's plenty of typical food that's vegan.

    Sweet tamales (Tamal Dulce) Made out of corn mass, and this sort of sugar that's just really gross. You'll know which one is a sweet tamal because they are painted pink. A lot of people love sweet tamales but I only want to vomit when I stand near one. The smell is even more.. unpleasant when they fry them.

    I believe Rajas tamales are also vegan. Made with those big non spicy chiles with a bitter flavor. Just ask them: "Tiene eso carne? Porque soy vegetariano" and they will probably understand.

    Green tamales always have chicken in them.

    Other typical dishes would be red rice. However I think they use chicken broth in the recipe.

    Sopes sold in the street are usually vegan. They have black bean paste, lettuce, sour cream and cheese.

    You could also order tlacoyos con frijol (black beans meshed with corn paste that's fried).

    Most quesadillas have meat in them. However there's some vegan ones: "Quesadilla de hongos" which is simply fried corn with mushroom filling; "Quesadilla de queso" a quesadilla with Oaxaca cheese filling which tastes great or in some times of the year a "Quesadilla de Cuitlacoche" which is a sort of mushroom with a special flavor. The filling is black and mushy. The cuitlacoche ones are rare, but most places will have cheese and mushroom ones.

    Most tacos sold at street joints have meat in them.

    We also have these sort of sandwiches called Tortas. Most of them have meat in them, but you coud order a "Torta de Queso" which only has several types of cheese in it. Tortas usually come with sliced green chile in them in case you can't stand spicy food.

    When eating in the street, the people that cook the food usually don't recieve the money in order to keep the food clean. There's usually some guy hanging around that takes care of that. Ask him "Cuanto te debo?" (How much do I owe you?). If in trouble, most mexicans in the city can understand simple english.

    If you do decide to go to a street stand, try to go to one with a lot of people. That way it's less likely you'll get stomach flu from bad food because the locals already trust that place.

    I believe "Sopa Azteca" has no meat in it, but you should ask the waiter firsthand.

    I believe in the Zona Rosa there is a Potzolcalli franchise. They have one that is vegetarian which tastes really good.

    Have fun!

    As for other meats:

    Anything with the words: chorizo, sesos, pancita, res, cerdo, pollo, ternera, carnitas, pescado, camarón, pulpo, ceviche, calamar, pavo, morcilla, moronga, lengua, gringa, jamón, etc...

  9. Many restaurants in Mexico have a vegetarian section on the menu.   There are also many vegetarian restaurants.    You can ask for "solo verduras."  ( only vegetables)  you can ask at your hotel for names of vegetarian restaurants nearby.

  10. Exist many places almost have  vegetables  or salads  only ask for  "solo vegetales " (only vegetables ) or " deme  solo Ensalada por favor"  so in many restaurants have the meals in both languages English and Spanish more in touristic areas like Pink zone or in the downtown  even in french too  anyway  you can check in some  restaurants like VIPS , EL PORTON, TRATORIA, etc. and watch for the menu and for sure you can find many things. in some places  exist veggie pizzas (they make  some products with flavor to meat but is made with soy beans)and of course in all the malls have lot of restaurants with your favorite things.....good luck

  11. Soy un veggiterian qué tiene usted en su menú ? gue no es carne,

    I'm vegetarian what do you have in your menu,that is not meat?


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