
How do I ask for a Divorce???

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I have been married since i was 20 and it hasn't all been that bad. It'll be 5 years this month... We have already been separated once before and I felt bad and let him back. I have never been 100% happy in this relationship but due to some family circumstances (our parents happen to be best friends) I am not happy, in fact I am miserable and just want a way out. He is by far the nicest person a best friend but nothing more. I want to talk to him about this but he is also Sensative... What would you do? I hate hurting him especially since this is not the first time around... I am lost and afraid and just want to be happy again...




  1. You know what they say: "Closed mouths don't get fed."  You know what to do, but you aren't doing it because you are worried about hurting his feelings.  You are worried about someone else's feelings when you need to be worried about your own happiness and well know what to do....TELL HIM ALREADY.    

  2. Just tell him you are not happy and need a trial seperation.  That's a starter.  After you are apart both physically and mentally, then maybe it will be easier for you to say those words....I want a divorce.  

  3. .....better talk to him and explain your problems to him in a polite way.

    it is easier to break the marriage, and you may not be able to put it back on the track again and may suffer much more, it is better to reconcile with this man.

  4. Well you gotta do what you want.  But dont "ask" for a divorce.  If he say's "no" are you going to stay with him? I doubt it.  If youre not happy, tell him you want your divorce.. Yeah it will hurt him, but what else are you gonna do?

  5. Just tell him how you feel.  I am in the same boat as you but I have told my husband how I felt about our marriage.  I love him but I am no longer in love with him.  We are still together because of finances, but when the opportunity is right I will leave. You have to put your self first and stop thinking about what the parents are going to say and about him being sensitive.  These are things that he is counting on to make you stay. Time heals all wounds.

  6. sit him down and talk to him and tell him what you want if he loves he will want to see you happy as for your parents if they also love you they will stand by your decision they need to be reminded there YOUR parents not his explain to them your unhappy  

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