
How do I ask my boyfriend to give me some piece without drama?

by  |  earlier

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My Boyfriends talks and talks and talks and my head is about to explode. I can't make myself to ask him to shut up, and he tends to be Soo boring, going over and over the same stuff from different angles.. arrghh I just wanna yell "shut up".. How do I do this diplomatically? We tend to find ourselves in a big drama whenever I need space because he takes it as a rejection.




  1. simply tell him you need some "me time" or some girl time for that matter.  

  2. just tell him that sometimes you just want a few moments to yourself while you're in his company and that you don't like or feel like talking all the time.

    he should understand where you're coming from.

  3. Dump him. Find a better Guy.  

  4. yack , yack , yack, Gee. If I didn't know better I would think you were  her. She is bothering you while you are trying to communicate with your danceing queen whom you've taught . Seems she has a lot to learn yet!

  5. Tell him you want PEACE!  

  6. This relationship wont last..I love when my bf talks to me

  7. i noticed your question said 'piece' i am sure you meant  'peace'....

    sounds to me like he's wired up. does he do meth? or maybe he's hyper

    my ex husband was just like you described too. it used to drive me insane...i would get so tired of hearing his mouth spew...and it never was anything important or new or even interesting.. trying to watch a movie with him was impossible. he ran his mouth the entire time the movie played. i am not kidding...or something in the movie would remind him of something and here goes another 2 hour story...blah blah blah...what i ended up doing (forgive me i was desperate! lol)...i ended up making a bet with him. i bet him a B.J.gainst a back rub that he COULD NOT stay quiet for just 30 minutes...either way i would win...i got my half hour peace and quiet for the small price of a B.J or  he would rub my back if he lost, and while he jabbered aimlessly while doing it, i would just pull a pillow over my head...and he didnt look at this as a rejection, it was more of a fun challenge!  maybe it will work for you.

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