
How do I ask people to get their feet off a table in my house?

by  |  earlier

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It is unfortunately at foot level, but that does not mean I want people's feet on it. My boyfriend does it (he lives here too), so he sets a bad example. I tell him not to but he doesn't listen. I have been doing a project involving decorations for place settings at a nice meal and I've been working on the table. My boyfriend and his friend insisted on sitting where I was working, with their mingy feet up right next to these things that I was working on.

How do I tell a guest at the house to get their frigging feet off my CLEAN table, particularly when there was stuff on the table that are going to be placed on a table with food!!! I don't want to seem like a miserable cow, but it just really really irks me that a guest in my house would be so inconsiderate.




  1. Do what my grandma does. A wooden spoon across the shins. That sure as h**l taught my brother to stop. And if they say anything you simply reply, "don't put your feet on the table then!" And do the same with your boyfriend.

  2. I should move the table a few inches further away from where they sit so that they have to stretch too far and so it becomes uncomfortable to stretch out without sinking down so low.

    Failing that keep the frying pan handy and clobber any feet that appear.

    Good Luck.

  3. Ask them if they put their feet all over the tables and/or furniture in their own homes.  Tell them if they continue to do it they will NOT be welcome in your house/flat again.

  4. you dont ask, you tell. Respect alone should dictate that they wouldnt do it. (you dont pee in their sink do you ?)

  5. Excuse, me, would you mind, please, keeping your feet on the floor? TY so much.

  6. I'm assuming these guests who do it are guests of your boyfriend and are just following suite.

    I would do two things.

    1. Move the table beyond foot reach.

    2. Buy your boyfriend a chair with an ottoman.

  7. Before they come move the table far enough for them not to reach it with their feet.  


    Because the person who you should be swearing to, you are not swea-

    ring to him, & that is your NO GOOD BOY FRIRND. Not even your guest because they are looking @ you & using you as what your no good Boyfriend is using as, nothing just like his self. Your Boy friend

    was not brought up, he was dragged up so what you have to do is to tell him one more time in private, then the next time he dose it when his

    friends, or there & he does it, you then comes out very calm but assertively do not shout but like I say seriously, assertivly,& calmly &


    OF YOU. Then you just walked out of the room. That will do for the crowd, & if it happened again by any one else then all you do is just looked on the person in there eyes & then you looked on the table same time & again you leave the room but when you are looking on that one you should let him see that you are looking on him with his feet on the table & trust me you won't have to worry they will not do it any more.NOW for that dragged up Boyfriend of yours, if he keep doing

    it after you spoken to him in the crowd then if he is in your home then

    you just him again seriously to leave & if you are in his, then you look

    for some for your self, because do not believe he is going to change,

    because I do not because he will not so I do not think you should waist

    your time on that dragged up little b*****d. You cannot BUY class it

    is some thing you were born with, & may be you cannot even blame the parents because may be he was been bread but he eat it so nay be you just cannot blame his parents. I hope you both do not have any children. If his friends do not understand SO WHAT. I do not thing they

    behave like that @ there home? or may be they does because BIRDS

    OF A  FETHERS  FLOCKS TOGATHER. Stand up for what kows are

    correct @ all time in your life my lady NEVER BE A FOLLOWERA SO

    You go WOMAN.  

  9. Unless you start with your boyfriend you have no chance. I am however a little confused at how you could put meal settings on a table at that level? The simple solution as already has been suggested is you simply move the table to where feet can't possibly reach it. If this really bothers you so much you must tell your boyfriend. I am sure he merits intelligence and must know this is ignorant and ill mannered? If he doesn't listen or care enough that it bothers you then you have serious problems in you relationship and sounds like you must ask yourself where this is going? If he cannot see the error of his ways then what kind life with him are you likely to have?

  10. You could always put something in the place of where they pout their feet, or move it out more so they can't reach.  Putting coaster there would work, because people won't prop up feet with coasters sitting there, and it shows if you don't want a cup there, you don't want feet there! if that doesn't work, just say "Oh, do you like my new coffee table, it cost a fortune!!"


  12. You just politely explain to them that you would not dream of doing that in their house(s), so please do not do it in mine.

    Don't have such inconsiderate people in your house.  Tell them to go to the nearest eating place, put their mingy feet up on the table, and see how the management treat them - they will not be tolerated, I can tell you that.  So if it's unacceptable outside, it's unacceptable inside too.

  13. "can you take your feet off there? its a table not a foot stool"

  14. hi tilly ralph here england i don't know where you are from, any way to your problem, when they go out , get yourself four pieces of wood about 2 foot long, bind or nail them to the exsisting legs, lets see them put thier feet up there, please reply let me know how you got on.  

  15. Hmm. You tell your boyfriend not to, but he does it anyway? Sounds like he doesn't respect you much. I think you have a bigger problem here. Is he like this with other things of yours? If so, consider moving out (or asking HIM to move out), since he doesn't respect your property or your wishes.

    I assume that you two are living together because this is a long-term relationship which you hope will lead to marriage. This is an excellent opportunity to observe what kind of person you will be living with the rest of your life. Choose wisely.

  16. Have you seen Misery? Next time they do it, go find a sledgehammer and smash it onthere ankles. They won't put there feet up anymore, they will however have to hobble the rest of their life.


  18. Drawing pins?

    You have to put your foot down (sorry for the pun). Don't clean or wash or wash up until they stop, starting with your boyfriend.

  19. move your coffee table away from their reach if sitting on the couch and tell your boyfriend to grow up and be a man and respect the house as he should....once you get him to act right the better for the relationship

  20. I think you're just going to have to be assertive on this one and tell people not to put their feet up on your table..easier said than done eh !

    OK.. why not move the table ? just for a little while away from temptation, you can always return it once the 'habit' has been broken. Put it in another part of the room, so that it still can be used, but it will have to be drawn towards the sofa/chair, when you're working on it.

    Another way, is next time when you both visit you're guests house (the one's that put 'their' feet up), mention in front of everyone, just how much your guy would 'miss' in their home, not having his  'foot stool come table', in front of him, and maybe they should get one like yours, although that 'habit' really ********** you off !!!!!! I think they'd take the hint.

    Caramac x

  21. If your room size permits, just place the table out of foot range and find a way to make it difficult to move.

    Or go to a furniture and buy a couple of ottomans for them to put their feet on. You can find some cheap at thrift stores if cost is an option and then just cover in a nice fabric (staple guns are wonderful for reupholstering.

  22. 1.  Get rid of the table.

    2.  Get hassocks and put them between the table and seats.

    3.   Elevate the table about 3 inches by putting extensions on the legs.  That will put it at the wrong height to be comfortable for people who put their legs up.  

    4.  Put a nice table cloth on it.  White would be best.   Most people will not put their feet on a table with a table cloth.  If they do,  try putting some thumb tacks under the table cloth to "hold it up a bit."   (Pointy side up.)

    5.  Get some nice round molding with a radius of about 1inch.  Stain it to match the table.  Cut it to fit each edge with mitered corners.   Glue it onto the table top.   If they put their feet on the table,  the molding will dig into their Achilles tendon and give them foot drop and it will hurt like h**l.  

    6.  Each time they do it,  drag the table out from under their feet and tell them they can either sit like adults or leave.  

    7.  Refuse to serve food or drink if they put their feet up.  If food or drink is already on the table when they put their feet up,  immediately take the food and drink away saying you do not want them to spill it.  

    8.  Rearrange your room.  Turn the coffee table into an end table.  

    9.  Get a new boy friend. He is a slob who could care less about what you want.  If you can not even get him to do a simple thing like keep his feet off your table then do you really think he will do anything major for you?  

    10.  Read number nine again.  That is my real suggestion.  

  23. TELL them, "Feet off my table, now!  Don't disrespect my furniture."

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