
How do I ask this question without sounding rude... ?

by  |  earlier

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I am moving from an apartment to a triplex close by on Sept 1st, but only have until 1pm on August 31st to move out of my apartment. The lady who is currently renting the triplex has until 12pm Sept 1st to get out, so my husband and I technically have a whole day without possession anywhere! The landlord at the triplex said she's pretty sure that the lady is going to be out early, but doesn't know, and I should just phone and ask her. I have tried phoning a couple times but I just get her voice-mail, and I don't know what to say, so I hang up. My question is, how should I ask her if she is going to be out a day or 2 early without sounding rude? I need to know soon, so I can book a uhaul! Thanks




  1. Leave a voicemail:

    Hi my name is ____ and my husband and I will be moving into your apt. soon and it seems we've run into a little dilema ... we have to be out of our current apt. on Aug 31st, which is leaving us a day of homelessness (add a nervous chuckle)!  The landlord mentioned that you may be leaving sooner and I just wanted to know if that is the case so we can possibly get in there sooner.  If you could just give me a call at #....I'd really appreciate it!  I hope you don't mind my calling.  Thanks!

    Good luck!  I've been in your shoes before except it was with a house and I had to be out of my house on Nov 30th and the people (that were in the house I was moving into) had to be out Dec 5th!  I thought I was gunna loose my mind!  I had NOWHERE to store my stuff.  I ended up knocking on the door and asking if by chance she would be leaving early....she was really nice but she was waiting till the last minute....luckily she allowed me to store all my furniture in the garage!  I was able to stay with friends for those days and moving in was easy because all my stuff was already there!

  2. I'd just ask it out right really. I'm sure she could understand that you're moving in, it's something you kinda wanna plan so you need to know when you can move in..

    Just ask it as if "I was just wondering.." Thats what I'd do anyway, only way you're gonna find out is to ask..

    Good Luck!

  3. if you just ask her, you wont sound rude.

    im sure she will understand that you dont want to be homless for a night lol.

    the worst she can do is say she cant get out that early. which i suppose would be a good thing, because then you would know if you needd to book a hotel or not.

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