
How do I attach rebar to wood?

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I am anchoring a gazebo by driving rebar into the ground and mounting the gazebo poles onto 6x6 treated wood.

I will drill a hole in the wood to insert the rebar. How do I make sure there is a strong connection between the rebar and wood? I don't think I have anything to bend the rebar with.




  1. bend an " L " on the end of the rebar about 3" long...

    Use a 3 pound hammer and the edge of your concrete step or curb as an anvil...

    3# hammer is also known as a drilling hammer, which you will need to drive rebar in ground... about 15.00 at Sears...

  2. Has anyone mentioned that the rebar will rust out in time and give you no anchor?  You actually need to use concrete bases, with anchor straps available at Home Depot.

  3. there is a better way than that. put your rebar though the 6x6 then use concrete to anchor the 6x6 and gazebo to the ground. this will give you a strong bond to the concrete and ground and take a tornado to blow over your gazebo. but the 6x6s would still be standing

  4. best way is to have a large washer welled to rebar and then drill a hole in wood to fit rebar.

    depending on size of rebar bending is possible, just use two pipes and bend rebar between them.

    The other possibility is to drive rebar into ground and tie rope to gazebo.

  5. You may be able to bend the rebar by using a length of pipe. It gives you the leverage you need to force it over. If you leave the rebar fairly long it will bend easier. You don't have to bend it 90 degrees; just bend each piece in the opposite direction as the one next to it. Then cut off the excess.

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