
How do I attract an Aquarian Male?

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How do I attract an Aquarian Male?




  1. you do the aquarian dance

  2. Hello Gelly

    Aquarius people often stare into space, his mind is probably fifty years in the future, gently remind him to return to planet earth. He has no best friend, because everyone is his friend. Be open minded and gracious when you meet his friends as this is the first step.

    He keeps his private thoughts and emotions hidden so they won't interfere with his detached exterior. He may even love you but not express it and YES, you can ask him if he doesn't tell you. You need to be a bit forward in this regard. Aquarians don't like emotional ties, so hide the emotions and when he feels that you can exist like a parallel to him without wanting to own him, he'll commit.

    He analyzes everything, so don't volunteer information about yourself, let him get it bit by bit. Keep the mystery about you for as long as you can.

  3. the same way you would attract any other male except aquarians don't like to be tied down and need a lot of space

  4. Act as strange/odd as possible (and I mean STRANGE) all the time.

  5. 1. Exhibit a strong sense of self - be independent, assertive, collected; have the capacity to establish viewpoints and ambitions; be willing to defend them.

    2. Be unabashedly straight-forward about your quirks. Aquarians are quickly bored of girls who seem ordinary.

    3. Do not misinterpret his friendliness as flirtation. Be very receptive to his charm and respond equally as charismatic, but maintain a sense of emotional aloofness.

    4. Be honest and accomodating to differences. Aquarians like people who can be trusted and those who can accept differences.

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