
How do I attract or recruit people to a cause?

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How do I attract or recruit people to a cause?




  1. Three options --

    Appeal to their logic -- get them interested in a concept, and show them the logical value and benefit to them.

    Appeal to their passions -- get them excited about a topic, and make them feel that it would be good for them.

    Appeal to their hate and fear -- get them to react blindly, and do whatever it takes to stop the perceived threat.

    Personally, I only think the first two are good ideas -- but politics has consistently shown that the third works best. I just don't like thinking about what that says about humans.

  2. i cannot say it better than eric. "make it their cause more than yours." if they realize that they have something at stake there, they will sure give it their all.

  3. Make it their cause more than yours.

  4. The first two answers hit the nail on the head.  You have to hit the possible recruits where they live.  As is human nature, they have to see what becoming involved in a cause will do for them not so much what they can do for the cause.

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