
How do I avoid ATM fees when traveling in Europe?

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My bank account is in the US, and I will travel to Greece.




  1. Travelers checks.

  2. Actually, it's best to use ATM rather than travels check or exchanging your dollar for euro. They are all going to cost. ATM fees are relatively low in comparison to other methods of payments when traveling. I would say use ATM.

  3. Find a branch of your US bank ... ha ha.

    ATM withdrawals are the best deal going for changing to foreign currency.

    You get a better exchange rate than you do for

    cash or traveler's checks, and there is a rather

    modest fee.  It is about $3-4 for "international

    withdrawal". (Of course it will vary from one bank

    to another, check with your US bank.)

    That's high if you make small withdrawals,

    but not so bad if you make fewer, larger ones.

    Take out as much as you feel comfortable

    carrying safely, up to your daily ATM limit.

    If you withdraw $200 at a shot, then, yes

    $4 is 2%, but that is still better than what

    you pay to go into a bank, fill out forms,

    hand over your money, etc.

    And it's much faster, too.

  4. My family travels frequently, and we always use ATM cards from our credit union rather than bank because they don't charge any fees. From what I understand, most credit unions do not charge fees for overseas use, so if you belong to one you might want to ask about their policy. I'm 16 and not quite sure how credit unions work, but you might want to look into joining one if you have time.

    I think it also has to do with what kind of account you have at the bank. We just set up my first bank account at HSBC, and the bank guy went over all the benefits and what not of each type of account. With the kind of account I have if I keep a balance of over a certain amount I am not charged ATM fees anywhere.

    Since it can be up to $5 per transaction, it's definitely worth asking about if you're going to be there for a while.

    If all else fails, just get a certain amount out a couple of times a week and put the extra money in a locked bag in your room or in the safe. I'm personally not a fan of travelers checks because the one I used them I found them to be annoying to cash in, and I've heard that you get way better rates using the ATM anyway.

    You might want to ask this question in the Greece forum at I was just 12 when I was in Greece & I honestly can't remember the ATM, but I'm betting people there can hook you up with more info.

    Have a great trip! : )

  5. yeah... many atm's dont have fees in Europe.

  6. Take Travelers Checks or Cash if you feel safe enough and convert them where you can. I'd convert about $30 at the airport here in the States and the rest where you can get a better rate there. Not at the airports, they have the worst exchange rates.

    With an ATM card you will almost always get hit with an ATM surcharge.

    * The reason for the $30= Cab fare.


  8. Check with your bank.  If they charge a fee, you get charged the fee.  Period.

    You WILL probably get the best rate and exchange fee, but if you get charged an ATM fee, that's there.  The best way to avoid them is to use them as few times as you can get away with.  If you withdraw as much money as you can (and reasonably need) each time you go to one, you won't need to do it so often, thus minimizing the number of fees that you get charged.  

    And don't use your credit card to withdraw money...they charge the extra cash advance fee, so you can avoid that if you only use the card that directly draws from your bank account.

    Ain't life so much easier these days!?  I had to carry thousands of dollars in traveller's cheques when I was your age!

  9. you can' charges you when you use your card when you are abroad in a foreign bet is to just use cash...those fees adds up.

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