
How do I avoid arguments with someone I really can't get along?

by  |  earlier

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The last one, both sides were really out of control. It almost got physical, but thank god someone held me back. Also, how do I control what comes out of my mouth?

**No, I am NOT going to use tape or glue.....blah blah blah!




  1. Well, If you know that you can't get along with this person, I would avoid them as much as possible...Now if on the other hand you are forced to see them say at work, or if they are family, try to talk reasonably with them and if you just can not do that...just walk off...count to 10 and just forget about it....I usually try to take it all in when someone says something to me that is mean-spirited or just said in anger and think about it, internalize it, wonder why they could have said something like that, ask myself is it true, somewhat true, or way off base....and think in my mind how I want to handle this verbal attack...After thinking about it, THEN I give my answer...Being out of control is not doing yourself or anyone any good....And definitely physically fighting over something said should be avoided if at all  possible...If you find that YOU just can not control your emotions maybe you should seek some help from counseling to help manage your anger.....Good luck to you........

  2. Think about what you are going to say first. Try to be logical. Don't all of a sudden burst into a hate rage. Take deep breaths and calmly say what you need to say. If all else fails, see a doctor about your "bipolar"'ness.

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