
How do I avoid getting bullied at school?

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I thought blondes were popular, what's going on?! I have dealing with this for years, HELP!!!




  1. fight dont take no shorts you got hands and feet fight and kick and scratch them fight dont back down

  2. I do not know what your are askin

    e-mail me

    I will tell u what to do

    I ve been through this

  3. Just keep your head down.... not literally of course,.... just don't draw attention to yourself...

  4. tell them to stop and if they don't stop report them to authorities

  5. 1.) Try to show them you're not affected. Bullies get their high when they see that their actions result in a desired effect. It makes them feel more powerful and important when they see what they're doing is working. It may be difficult but show them you're not affected then they will lose interest in you.

    2.) Change your mindset, you're better than they are. Bullies are bullies to hide their own faults. By emphasizing or pointing out other people's faults, it draws attention away from their own. They see that, in some ways, you're better than they are so they cover it up by making you feel inferior.

    3.) Stand up for yourself. Bullies think they can get away with anything so the behavior persists. Show them there are consequences for their actions. talk to your guidance counselor, principal, or teacher. Don't be afraid that you'll be called a whistle-blower or tattletale. It's not wrong to do the right thing.

    4.) Don't worry about it too much. Have fun with your friends rather than brooding over bullies all day. Before you know it, you'll be done with high school and off to college and you don't have to tolerate them anymore. Socially speaking, life gets better after high school.

  6. well there will always be bullies...just start coming up with come backs to get them away from you. stand up for yourself! they'll eventually leave you alone

  7. Try to hold your head high and ignore them.  I know it is really hard to do that and the bullying hurts.  If you let them know it hurts you then they are getting the reaction they want.  Once they realize their words have no effect on you they will stop or move on to someone else.  Please realize that once you get out of high school the bullying will stop.  Once people grow up they celebrate the differences in people.  How boring the world would be if everyone was the same.  Be strong.  It will get better as you get older.

  8. toughen up yourself..

    talk to your counselor..parents anybody who is older than you and somebody you can trust..

    take up lessons to boost your self-esteem and confidence..

    equipt yourself..take karate or taekwondo lessons.. it will do your body good...sharpen up your reflexes..and will make you more confident to tackle up those b*@#$%s!!

    say bring it on!!!

  9. How are you getting bullied? Are people calling you names like fatty?

    I remember some girls back in school were bullied because they were fat. In that case, you'll have to shine with your exuberant personality.

    I also knew some girls that were bullied for that same personality. They were the know-it-all, holier-than-thou, I-don't-need-your-help kind of girls. It's good to be a strong woman, but not a stubborn one. Just don't make it your business to know everyone's business or to show off. People hate that.

    And since you're a girl, it's probably girls that are bullying you. If its a guy, then he probably likes you. But for girls, I suggest ignoring those ho-bags and be yourself. You don't need them or their pretentious bull. It will actually p**s them off to know that their attacks have no effect on you. They are weaker than you think.

    Or, if you really can't stand it... sock one of them in the eye with a knuckle sandwich. A black eye would send the message clear as day. Violence is never the best answer, but it's always an answer.


    It's actually the THREAT of violence that is the deterrent, but if push comes to shove, you gotta push back and pull out the kung-fu.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about this.  Have you talked to your teachers, parents, school counselor?  I hope that you can find somebody to help you with this!

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