
How do I be a Disney Channel star?!?

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I've always wanted to be a Disney star,

I look up to them,

and I (not trying to brag) am a good singer, and really good actress.

Any advice?

I'm going to start going to a drama school soon,

and i'm looking for agents!

I'm in 7th grade.





  1. go to the Disney studio's and stand in line like thousands of other kids..

  2. well that's great! i've want to be too, actually. well, u sound really determined and enthusiastic.

    u're obviously taking the right step. just give it ur best. be really, really patient. things may not always turn out the way you wnat it to be but persist and u may get there eventually.

    always try out auditions. find an honest, sincere agent, okay? don't stop honing ur talents.

    good luck!

  3. Darling if I knew how to become a Disney Channel star I would already be out there filming my own tv show. I am a freshmen in high school with the same dream (though not to be on Disney Channel but in movies). I have the same equal or better talent, and I have been taking drama classes and singing lessons for a few years now. I also already have an agent and am trying to work my way up with modeling singing acting and voice over jobs. I am not saying all of this to lower your motive, I am just saying it to let you know that there are other girls out there just as good or better than you and hopefully this will motivate you to work even harder, and see that it is not at all easy to get where you want to be and that you truly have to want it. You are on the right track, but realize it takes a lot of hard work and it is very unlikely for you to become a disney channel star. Your best bet is to move to New York or LA and get an agent there, there are much more opportunities out there. Good luck!


    This website is regularly updated with Disney auditions ad pointers on your resume and head shot! But first...

    1) Before you do anything you need to get TONS of experience/training. Community theaters, school plays, voice classes, drama classes, dance classes. The more experience/training the better. You should also try to become a "Triple Threat". In today's society, you really have to be talented in all three in order to appear on TV/movies.

    2) Once you are skilled and have lots of experience you need to build your resume. Refer to the website I gave you if you need help creating a resume. You will also need a head shot, which is a natural picture of you that casting directors will see before anything. Make sure these are professionally taken and updated whenever you change your look. Also, make sure you look like you in your picture. If you normally have crazy curls don't straighten your hair for your picture (unless of course that's how you wear it everyday).

    3) You will need an agent now that your resume and head shot are taken care of. Nobody in Hollywood will look at you if you don't have an agent. At the same time, don't depend on your agent to do everything for you. They have millions of other people to take care of along with you.

    That's all basically but it is a long process that will take you much more time than it seems. You should also know that Disney is located in Burbank, CA so you will need to be in a distance from there.

    Good luck!



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