
How do I beat up this gangster who's smaller than me

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How do I beat up this gangster who's smaller than me




  1. I wouldn't fight a gangster If your not sure what to do. don't get hurt because this could be something serious


  2. take off on him, give him a good uppercut right to the chin, or give him the big right hand followed by plan b, the big left hook..... if his with his friends, call him out, tell him hes a ***** if he dosnt get down with you 1 on 1, say he dosnt have the balls, make him look like a weeny then go with the plan.. if you get jumped , hey its all good, at least you stood up for your name

  3. avoid him,if you can't then you got to do what you got to do try to call him out like Trasher says but you might want a couple of friends round the corner in case they all jump you they will run when unexpectedly the odds even up where as if you all approach them they'll just be a gang fight and some one will get hurt where as a shock will scare them after all their cowards that's why they have gangs and still need weapons or if you can avoid them till you get him on is own and give him such a good kicking that he'll be afraid of getting you back because of what you'll do to him if he does, that might work but don't think if you don't fight your a coward that would be thinking with their mentality and your smarter than that and don't be intimidated in to hiding or fighting do what you feel is the right thing to do i'm sure your smart enough to figure out whats right for you, most important stay safe even if that means looking like a coward to them its better to be safe than sorry or injured or worse,if possible call him out in public and belittle him like Trasher was saying and this will break his ego and an ego and a big mouth is probably all has so once you break his ego you've broke him

  4. It would be easy to say "catch him alone".  Usually, guys like that are tough because they know they have back-up.  One thing to realize is that size matters little in a fight, esp.  street fighting, where there are no rules.  

    There is no definite answer in today's society for that kind of situation.  It sounds like you might have your hands full.  Usually a guy like the one you describe feels he has little to fear from you.   The fact that you're here with this question indicates that the same does not hold true for you.  

    If you're afraid of this guy then you must find a way to overcome  your fear.  It's not easy because street fighting, today often puts you in life threatening situations.  

    When I was younger we often settled our problems with our fists (or whatever other parts of your body you can use in a fight).  It's a shame to say I miss those days.  We used to call it  "Shoot a fair one".  It means you have your boys,  I have mine and they will only make sure no one else jumps in........and we duke it out.  It was very rare that people resorted to knives or guns.  

    Now, today,  the first thing they do is grab a gun.  It cracks me up when guys claim to be SO TOUGH but, yet, they're packing.  Sure, it's VERY EASY to be a tough guy when you have a weapon like a gun or a knife, esp. when the other guy doesn't have one.  

    So many of these young guys look to certain celebrity figures as role models.  Look at Tupak.  He's a hero among many but he never saw his 30th birthday.  In my opinion,  it's MUCH COOLER to die in your bed when you're 80 and surrounded by grandkids.

    Seeing that this is a boxing site, you're likely to find good advise on boxing related issues.  As for street fighting or dealing with gangsters, there are any number of answers, none of them guarenteed to be good ones.  If you can avoid the situation that might be your best solution.  It doesn't mean you're a coward.  It might just mean you're smarter than the other guy.  However, if there is a slim chance that you can settle your differences with your fist,  it might not be a bad thing to stand up to this guy.  

    I don't know your situation so I can not give a definite answer.  The best I can tell you is stand up to him if your life is not on the line.  Avoid a conflict if possible.  It's the "smart" thing to do and ''smart'' is always better than ''tough''.    

    I wish you luck.

  5. You don't you are just asking for more problems.  He may be smaller than you but he is not alone.  Gangs rely on their gang to solve their problems.  They don't work alone.

  6. Y would u wanna do that?

  7. if u do beat him up you will have to get him alone in a balaclava and a nukkle duster because he wont be able to see you in a balaclava

  8. Put a mask for disguised and hit him in the temple and give him a "RARE NAKED CHOKE."  

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