
How do I become Secretary-General of the UN?

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I would love the job!

Pease answer.

God Bless




  1. If you are a US, UK, French, Russian or Chinese citizen you can't. Citizens of the 5 Security Council members are excluded. Otherwise you must spend a lifetime in international diplomicy, and avoid annoying any of the 5 countries with a veto.

  2. Hard work, and becoming very good at diplomacy.  Ambition is good, but you may find that the UN would be able to make best use of your talents even if you were not Secretary General.  The UN has many faults, but it does so much good, being part of it gives you the opportunity to make a postive difference for many people.

  3. You could try creative politics, but if you use those methods I would not want you as a Secretary-General.

    To succeed you will have to be nominated for the position and elected, naturally when the position is vacant. To get into a position for nomination, you would need to have experience in the field of politics and diplomacy. Becoming an ambassador, a president, a senior official of the UN or a foreign minister would all help immensely.

    If you want to become one of those choices, simply study Political Science however it is called at a university. There should be programs that will allow you to become either a local politician or a diplomat. Work your way up from there.

    To be successful, try to be a good communicator, patient, calm, sane, reliable, a good team player, flexible, adaptable and resourceful, highly committed and sensitive to cultural and religious diversity. Being bilingual or multilingual is virtually a must.

    P.S. Are you sure you would love the job? There is a lot of responsibility and scrutiny. And, trust me, it can be very frustrating, especially since you cannot physically persuade anyone.

  4. Hi Hello xD

    Well... if you want to be the Secretary-General of the UN you have to:

    Study very hard, make conections with very important peoples.

    Get a Bachelor's degree and later of couse a master degree (international relation).

    Investigate all international issues.

    Have the hability of give speeches.

    If you want to see the biography of BAN KI-MOON (the actual secretary) you can see it from here:

  5. Learn French and another language plus english. Go to a good University for international studies like Georgetown, get a Masters degree or PhD, get working and or education experience overseas. Take classes overseas and maybe join the peace corps. Then apply to the UN

    Best of luck!!!

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