
How do I become a 3D modeler?

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Assuming I already have an education in game design and I've had experience in either 3Dmax or Maya or both, what else would it take to become a 3D modeler for a video game company and how much would they get paid? What does a 3D modeler actually do, do they just model specific characters or objects or do they have to rig, animate, and add textures to the models as well? Or do other people in the team handle that? Links to any reference sites would be appreciated.




  1. Well first off, keep in mind that “game design” is a completely separate profession that has nothing whatsoever to do with art.  Game design is accomplished almost exclusively with writing and math, and most game designers can’t draw above a stick figure level, forget use Maya or Max.  Colleges often use the term incorrectly, but within the game industry design is very distinct from art.

    It sounds like what you’re looking for is “game artist” not “game designer”.  3D modeler is a subset of game artist.  At larger game studios, there will be separate modelers, riggers, and animators, as well as texture artists, UI artists, concept artists, etc.  But at a smaller studio or on a new game project, the 3D modeler might well rig and animate as well.  Rigging and animating are good skills to have, even if you consider yourself primarily a 3D modeler.

    As far as pay, there’s a game industry salary survey from 2006 here: that lists Artists on page 3.  Average across all experience levels and titles is $66,000.  In an expensive state like California you typically get paid a bit more.  

    Like all jobs in the game industry, getting hired as a game artist is pretty competitive.  Having an education in 3D art and animation is a good start, but it really rides on your portfolio.  You need to have top-notch work in your portfolio to set you apart from the rest.  If your stuff doesn’t look as good as the AAA titles coming out right now, then keep working at it.  Once you feel your portfolio is ready, just start applying for jobs at game studios. has great job listings for every type of game industry job.

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