
How do I become a Methodist?

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I am a non-practicing Catholic (I was baptized) and I do not like being a Catholic. How do I officially become a Methodist? Thanks.




  1. Go to the local Methodist church and inquire about joining. I was raised Methodist and do not recall any groups of adults ever officially joining like they do in the Catholic Church. I do remember being confirmed as a teenager. I think you just start going to the Methodist church, then become a registered member. That should be it. There aren't any classes or preparation rites.  

  2. First of all, baptism doesn't save you, nor does attending a church.  If you want to be a Methodist, you will need to go to different churches to see which one lines up most w/the Bible.  Once you find one you like, and that is most Biblically sound, all you have to do is talk to the pastor about joining the church.  Once he knows you have been saved, more than likely, he will want to have baptized.  Good luck and God Bless.

  3. There is more than one "Methodist" church.  The largest is The United Methodist Church.  Check out, or

    Membership vows include renouncing sin, stating your belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and promising to support the church with your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service.


  4. start by attending a methodist church!

  5. If you're interested, this is a popular forum for Methodist Christians, you may find more answers here...

  6. Go to a Methodist service and fill out one of the little forms in front of you when you're sitting in the pew. Someone from the church will call you. This is for a larger church, if it's a little church you should just talk to the pastor on the way out.

    As a Catholic I think you would probably feel more comfortable going to a traditional service as opposed to a contemporary service. The traditional service is very similar to Mass with out the Eucharist. They have communion usually once per month.

    (I do hope you come back to the Catholic church. Think about the issues you have with the church and talk to a priest. I have found some people don't understand why we do things the way we do. But, if you feel closer to God elsewhere, than you should go there.)  

  7. Methodically.

  8. Find a local Methodist congregation. Show up and find a Pastor or someone who serves at the church and ask them how a person goes about becoming a member. Different churches have different rules about joining. At the non-denominational Christian church that I attend a person has to attend a class where they learn about the church and if they want to join after the class is over they just sign up.

    It's a "come as you are" church because "God loves you just the way that you are, but He loves you too much to leave you that way".

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