
How do I become a SENCO?

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I have a degree in Childhood Studies (graduating this July), I have experience as a TA (teaching assistant), and as a nursery nurse. I would like to become a would I go about this? is there a course i need to do?




  1. Try the TDA (Training and development agency for schools)

  2. If you've already worked as a teaching assistant, you could try speaking to the SENCO in the previous school where you worked.  Alternatively, ring your nearest school & ask to speak to the SENCO, ask if s/he can spare some time to speak to you.  In my experience most of them seem to fall into it by accident rather then design - schools are obliged in law to appoint a SENCO & ususally choose a teacher within the school.  You should also watch for vacancies on your Local Authority website.

    Edit: The Authority does not employ SENCOs, SENCOs are appointed by the individual schools.  If you do contact your Local Authority, you could ask to speak to the Educational Psychology section or the person who has charge of Additional Educational Needs and ask them what courses and/or workshops they offer to SENCOs but you may find you need to be in the position first before you can participate.

  3. I think you have to be in a setting before becoming a SENCO (unless you are being an advisor or working for LEA). There are modules that need to be studied (I think 9 the way I did mine) and they were done through a training unit. I dont think you can do the training unless in placement as for a lot of the assignments you need practical experience as you do them.

    You could call you local LEA and speak to them as they may be able to offer you advice, placement etc.

    PS I wouldnt listen to that advice about "ignoring" people part of being a SENCO is the ability to work in cooperation with other professionals not 'go it alone' as this may just a) get u sacked, b) effect the stability for the child as they move thorugh the school c) make other staff and parents distrust you and d) meanyou miss important information!


    try this link see if any help

  5. First lesson and one never to be forgotten..

    NEVER, EVER do as the Headmaster tells you.

    YOU do what you think is right FOR the child.

    Don't be afraid to say 'NO' to the headteacher, your job is on the line just as much as his.

    I would love to be able to give you the name of the school where the Headmaster resigned and the SENCO is hanging on by her finger nails.

    All over the guys refusal to listen when he was told repeatedly by the parents that their child had aspergers...

    He insisted it was 'bad behaviour...and the SENCO went along with it just to keep the headmaster happy.

    Don't ever put yourself in that position.

  6. look it up on the internet

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