
How do I become a Stewardess?

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a.k.a. a flight attendant.

Do most city colleges have a program to go through or do you have to go to a special school?

Also, how much do you they make?




  1. to be a stewardess,you need  a high school diploma or equivalent ( GED). you do not need school for stewardess.I did school for stewardess and i have a interview on April 12 trough air Canada.

    If you speak more than one language helps a lot for the position you looking for. you need to have at least 5.2 high or more but not less than that.

    If i can help you with something else just e -mail me(

    About payment depends which company you go. If you travel overseas or domestic flights and how many hours.some airlines start between $18 - $20.

    Good look!


  2. check  united airlines they just had some NEW HIRES  in training at sfo.. background check ,,of ten years.. no major crimes,, and your in GOOD-LUCK

  3. Most airlines train their own flight attendants at their own facilities. Maybe some junior colleges have courses but I am not familiar with them. Airlines generally require at least a high school diploma with reasonably good grades; an AA from a JC wouldn't hurt. Having a first aid/CPR certificate wouldn't hurt you either although they will teach you; helps to be familiar though.

  4. cool job! u just have to take classes at a colledge. it all depends on how lonng u work. when u begin its about 20 grand but after 10 years or so when u get first dibs on internaional flights it will b up to like 35 grand.

  5. Every Airline has their different requirements. There are community colleges, but many dont care if you have a degree through them anyways. You will go through their own instruction courses. Pay ranges all depend on a few different variables. If you go for a regional airline, then it will be smaller than a major airline. Alot of the major airlines pay you about $17.53 an hour while you are actually in the air, and around a $1.50 an hour while you are not in the air, and still on duty. The major flight attendent association is AFA. When you start you will most likely be placed on reserves, meaning you will get the crappiest schedule, waiting at the airport all day hoping for a flight at $1.50 an hour and you must be availible on your oncall days, or you risk having your reserve status start all over again. Once your off reserves, you will have a better, more fexible schedule, meaning more money. Pay sucks, but the benifits are great. Airlines that are hiring will say so in their careers section. Be prepared to interview with at least 50-100 other people. Another last note, you must be willing to relocate to any city that your airline has a need for you to be in. I would love to work out of Phoenix for Alaska (as they dont have a hub there), but instead I have to live by Seattle and commute.

  6. go to an airline and ask for an application

  7. The first thing you need to know is to never refer to a Flight Attendant as a Stewardess.

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