
How do I become a Top contrib?

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I want to know what it takes to get that little icon box under my name that says I am a Top Contributor..... I will do anything....




  1. At the bottom of your avitar you cut and past the "Top Contributor" gif

  2. To be a top contributor you need to be knowledgeable in up to thee category's. the exact formula is kept secret by yahoo but the common theory is that you need a minimum of 10% best answers in each particular  category and is said to be reviewed weekly. the top contributor badge is not permanent and can be removed at any time.So choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).

  3. The Top Contributor Badge is awarded for high contributions in a single category. You can have up to three categories. The exact qualifications are kept secret but rumors indicate that it is a minimum of 10% best answers and about 40-50 individual answers in a single category in a month. There are no statistics available on answers or best answers in a category. You will have to keep track yourself if you ever want to try to figure out the system.

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  4. I have noted and learnt from the two answers previous to mine. Thank you both for your info (thats what YA is all about).

    To be honest I dont ever want to be in the Top Contributor Cat, because I have a few friends here that automaticly press the thumbs down button on them!.

    Good Luck :)

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