
How do I become a ballerina?

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What are some steps to take prior to having lessons? I'm not flexible AT ALL, and I assume I'd need to tone up with some stretches before considering classes. Links would be nice, or detailed descriptions.

After that, my perception is even hazier. I'm fifteen and I want to take decent lessons for beginner teens; I'm really anxious about the age thing, because most of the people I know of who dance have been taking lessons since they were three. I looked on all of these websites and I couldn't find classes for adults or young adults. The thing I most would NOT like to do is be in a class with a bunch of eight-year-olds.

If you're a ballerina/o, I'd like to hear about your experiences. I only just got the notion that I'd like to learn ballet.




  1. I'm in almost the exact situation. I'm going to find a ballet class and i do NOT want to be in a class full of little kids or ppl the are way ahead of me.

    i have done dancing before just not ballet. iv been stretching everyday lately so try doing that for about 20 mins or so to get flexible.

  2. I am in this situation as well! I'm 16 and want to take a contemporary dance class but all of the classes around here are for 9 and up and I would feel REALLY uncomfortable dancing around with a whole bunch of 9 year olds. The age thing is basically the only thing stopping me from taking the class.

    Ugh. I wish they would just make some classes for teens/adults.  :[

  3. your right most do start at a young age my sister started only 2 years older and struggled for a while but then again iv a friend who did irish dancing and shes not like a natural dancer and she has taken up ballet and improved significantly.

    if this is your dream your going to have to suck it up and dance with 8 year olds for a while so what dont be immature yeah its embarrising but **** it but practice practice practice and you will get  better. Lance Armstrong was in a childs group when learning to swim as a teenager but he practiced and went on to become a champion in his own age group

  4. I have danced sine I was 3 years old and I am now 16. I absolutely love dancing. Alot of dancing schools have a special class called a 'stretch class' for beginners to advanced dancers. Speak to your local dance school about classes for older students that you would like to participate in if the option is avaiable. You wont regret it! :)

  5. Most community colleges offer good adult ballet classes, as well as other types of dancing.

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