
How do I become a better Basketballer?

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I play basketball every monday night for a Local Competition.

I was wondering if anyone has any tips for Defending and Shooting.

Anything else would be wonderful too.

Thanks Heaps!




  1. play dirty.. if it ain't rough it ain't right..

  2. practice dribble shoot  

  3. defense is all about hustle effort and predicting what the offense will do.... it takes experiance to be able to predict but at local level hustle and effort will be more than enough to stop players... always be sure to move your feet and not force a steal....

    shooting you need to learn how to shoot tired.... run 5 wind sprints up and down the court then make 5 shots in 5 different spots around around the court (start in close and scoot back every rep) do this 5-20 times then be sure to shoot some free throws while tired...

  4. Ok I dont know how often you go to a court but you should do this every day if possible.

    These drills are for 1 or more people

    Do these drills in any order you would like until foul shots


    1)Do devensive slides (shuffles) baseline-elbow-half-elbow-baseline for 5-10 mins

    2)Jumping over the baseline over and over side1-side2-side1-side2 sets if 30,45,or 60 seconds

    Foul Shots 10-30


    1) Elbow to elbow shooting flip the ball out to yourself and shoot (10 from each side)

    2) Run downcourt dribbling and pick a side. then shoot from that side (10-20 foot jumpers) for about 10 minutes

    Last: Foul Shots pref. 50

  5. To defend, just glue yourself to the player you're defending. Be on them like Gary Payton, the glove. For shooting, just practice.

  6. Basketball takes time to master, so I suggest you make an effort to practice everyday, even if its just 10 minutes of shooting. Usually I just run drills by myself (Layups, Shooting 3 Pointers, Free throws, Handling stuff like that). And then I play a pick-up game with other people. It just comes naturally to me since I have been playing for a while, so I suggest you practice alot and be dedicated. It is a very fun sport with a lot of opportunities. Good Luck and just keep trying. Oh yeah always remember find your style of play, for example if you are good at shooting 3 pointers, then SHOOT THEM (when the time is right).....other skills are necessary to excel but just find your style so you can know what it is and know when and how to use it.  

  7. well just keep practicing every day and get better just like me  

  8. when you shoot, shoot it out of a catapult, it goes faster, and if you miss, you probs break the backboard. that will get you lots of attention.

  9. To defend..hit someone hard who got the ball. You will be a better basketball player.

  10. You'll get better if you keep practicing everyday.

    On Defending: Don't let the person you marked out of your sight. Concentrate. Always find a way to stop that person. Put pressure on that person so that he/she won't get the shot he/she wants. Don't play dirty-it will only get you fouled.

    On Shooting: Practice your accuracy. Aim directly at the ring (hitting the ring isn't the only way to score, but also the board), step a little further back if you sink them. Try shooting from different angles. Also try that on 3 pointers. Try doing free-throws. Make sure your arms gets enough strength, and exercise well.

    It's also important to improve your passing and dribbling skills.

    Always get some advice from your team-mates, coach, and friends who are good at Basketball, and be a good team-player, and believe you can do it.

    Just keep up the good work.

    Just keep on practicing.

    Just do it.


  11. Play at the park often and watch the show on ESPN "And 1"

  12. Here is a good video on how to shoot a jumpshot:

    Here's a video on how to shoot a free throw:

    Here's a good video on how to play good defense:

    Hope this helps!

  13. on defense move your feet a lot, and hustle u need to make your calve muscles stronger and on offense it's all repetition doing it over and over and over

  14. Defense is all about hustle and concentration. Things that arent really coached but something the player has to want.

    The only way to get better at shooting is to practice everyday. One of the ways Ive practiced is to shoot when Im tired. ill go to the gym and do sprints till i get a little winded. Then ill shoot, and shoot, and shoot. Its the best way to get better because it isnt very often you take a shot if you havent been running during the game.  

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