
How do I become a better volleyball Player?

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I'm a 17 years old. I"m very athletic and next time i'm going to play volleyball i'll be a junior. I love the sport volleyball and i use to set but i'm not going to do it anymore. I just want some tips on becoming a better volleyball player.




  1. even though ur not going to set anymore u should still practice the bump, set, and spike... if u do this u willbe an overall player. practice in ur room doin a bump then set then soft spike on ur bed or somethin. do it like 50 times a day. u will dominate on the court.

    also, practice trick hits for when your in a game. for example,

    u can set all the way to the side where no one would reach da ball

  2. just practice hard so that you will become a better person. as the saying goes...practice makes perfect...

  3. Practice! Practice! Practice! It really helps if you go to camps, practice, and watch volleyball on TV. It really does help if you watch TV because you learn rules and fundamentals of volleyball. Going to camps definitely feels like you are playing on a team. When I say practice, I mean with a friend, a team, or the side of your house. Hope you do good next year. Good Luck.

  4. parctice parctice! look for a good coach to supervise ur training. the best coach is a friend tht loves & will take the coaching seriously like u! have him or her time u on things, count, and challenge u. play games w/ sum friends and practice a few drills to get better at anything ur not good at. (if u AREN'T good.) u say u r so i gess u r. but yea, GOOD LUCK!

  5. Firstly, you should find the position that's for you. Everyone is not meant to be a setter. Try back row. As far as becoming a better player, just work on your footwork and passing. My best advice is to get a really good player to train personally. Finally, pray about it. Tell HIM what you want.

  6. You practice and sike your self up like (I the best I the best I the best I the best I the best I the bestI the best I the best)

  7. Practice makes perfect is a phrase perfect for improving volleyball skills.  I've seen some incredibly athletic people who are really bad when they first set foot on the vball court.  Control is everything.  Controlling your jumps, your hits, your bumps and position on the court will improve your game exponentially.  

    Get a friend and BUMP with them...hit the ball back and forth in proper volleyball form.  Continue to the occasional "spike" and "dig" format...over and over and over.  Keep your skills as a setter finely tuned.  Any person on the court can become an instant SETTER after a bad pass.

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