
How do I become a good volleyball player?

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I'm a guy, 15 yrs, and going to try out for the boys jv team at my high school. It is indoor. I am kind of short 5'9'' and weigh 145 lbs. What do I need to know and how do I practice to become good.




  1. practice my volleyball team practiced all the time eat right

  2. well i am a volleyball player and i say ask someone who was on a team before for help if u need some tips u can e- mail ke at

  3. you should play at a sports center, they usually host open volleyball or something like that, and generally guys are good at volleyball, cuz they serve really well. no offense to girls, cuz i play volleyball and it took a while to get the perfect serve.

  4. watch a lot of volleyball channels or practice until you get it right that is how i became so good

  5. Well, I'm 16, junior, and also play volleyball. I'm also 5'9" and a front row player for my school's girl's volleyball team. I feel that you should aim for either a libero or setter. Since I'm not considered tall for my position, I worked really hard on my vertical.

      Jump roping everyday for about 10 minutes a day, should get your vertical up a lot. A vertical is important for the setter position, even if you aren't really hitting.

      Do lots of cardio exercise, like running or biking, so you don't fall behind or get tired as easily. You will also need a lot of upper body strength, and work on footwork.

      Footwork is very important in volleyball no matter what position you play. Make sure you eat right, and watch how other players play. If you do all this you will definitely make the team.

      Good Luck!

  6. Talk to the coach individually. Ask him personally if he thinks there are any drills you should be working on. Plus, if volleyball at your shcool is like most sports at every other high school, sports are very political. Asking for advice would give him the impression that you are willing to work hard and might help him remember you come tryout time.

  7. talk to the head coach they shold help you alot... and practice practice practice

  8. Since your not a very tall guy learn to pass.  Focus on defense...and practice a lot.  Possibly go out to the beach and play some beach volleyball with the (better guys and learn the game)  Pepper with anyone you can and just make sure to listen to everyone who plays.  

    Footwork footwork footwork.  You may want to ask your mom to have someone personal train you on form and make sure you are able to grasp Volleyball footwork along with good form.

  9. the first thing to know that you must not let the ball fell to the ground just save it,to score you should probably do an overhead serve and a spike.hit the ball on ther right direction.keep on after the ball and hit it except when it is outside.but if your teamate hit it outside run after it and get it back to the court.never ever be unattentive.

  10. i have been doing volleyball for about 4 years and i think i can answer your question...........first you need to know how to bump,  bumping is when you put your hands together like put your left hand on the bottom and right hand on the top then bring in your thumbs until there is a flat spott so when the ball hits it it has a good spot to bounce back on, you need to know how to either underhand serve or over hand serve........i perfer under hand because that is what im best at. to underhand serve you bend your knees alittle, put out (if your a righty) your right hand a little curved and slanted so when you hit the ball you dont hit your hand, have your right foot in front of your left and place the ball in your hand. then you swing your left hand black and take a step with your left foot. when you go to swing and hit the ball make a fist with your left hand. when you make the fist have your thumb over your fingers DONT HIT IT WITH YOUR THUMB!! make it so you hit it with the top of your fist.  i cant really explain over hand serve....sorry. the other thing you should know is how to set. setting is when your at the net and you set to have someone to spike it. when the ball comes to you have your fingers curved like you are holding 2 volleyball in your hands. when you set the ball dont hit it with your palms bounce your finger tips on the bottom of the ball. set it twords the spiker high enough so they can get under it and slam it down on the other side.......hope it helps you!

  11. since your 5'9 i suggest you work really,really,really,really hard to become a setter, if thats not working focus a lot of passing, and if you can jump really high then maybe you could become a hitter, and work a lot on you serve.... Practice setting the ball up against a wall and to another person, try serving the ball a lot, work on passing with a friend!

  12. well, as sorry i am about this, but you can't really practice to become good. i am sorry to say but you kinda have to be already to be good. but don't let that bring you down. talk to some of the guys on the team and ask them what you can do to get ready for tryouts. hey, you might even nail it! sorry t bust your bubble and good luck!

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