
How do I become a maggot farmer?

by  |  earlier

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I've always wanted to be a maggot farmer since I was a little girl. I'm currently an office manager earning 40k a year which I love but my dream job would be maggot farming - it doesn't pay well - 1p for every maggot farmed, but the rewards are greater.

Does anyone know how I can get into this field of work?




  1. If you are serious (which I highly doubt) then simply take up maggot farming as a second/spare time job. Don't give up your other job because the consequences will catch up with you fast.  

  2. Buy a large dead cow, dump itin your garden, and let the breeding begin.

  3. First you will need to focus and quit trolling.;_ylt...

    Have you pulled your teeth out yet?

  4. when i go fishing i buy 1 pint of maggets wich is about 5000 maggets for 2 quid so i think you have your sums wrong lol

  5. You sure have an unique interest. But I also think you shouldn't go into farming full time. Try to manage it on a scale of a hobby for awhile, then make a decision after sometime if you think this is your dream and it is viable.

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