
How do I become a vegetarian or vegan?

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I'm really discusted by meat. I don't know what it is but the thought of chicken and beef just gross me out. Also, I feel almost sick after eating it especially when I eat hot dogs or sandwiches are the worst for me. I would really like to stop eating meat all together and just eat healthy, freash foods. I guess the reasons why I haven't so far is because I've always heard that it very unhealthy to keep meat out of your diet. I remember working at subway and talking with alot of vegetarians one who was losing her hair and she told me it was because she never ate meat. Can anyone help me with this that knows about how to have a healthy eating lifestyle without meat. Or what it takes to be a vegan? That has always sounded very interesting to me as well.




  1. That lady was loosing her hair because she didn't have a balanced diet. When your a veg, you have to substitute something for meat, something that is equal to eating meat. Get some vitamins or something, and you'll be fine as long as you eat healthy.

  2. just do not eat what makes you sick.there are other sources of protein that taste better than said it it makes you sick when you eat meat so why eat it.whoever tells you it is unhealthy not to eat meat likes eating meat.talked to someone who dont eat meat and asked them why they are still are obviously using a computer well i take it you can browse the internet and research this further.GOOGLE IT.

  3. To state the obvious: stop eating meat.

    I've never had health problems. Taking it in steps might help you. Start by avoiding processed meats (even when I ate meat I hated lunch meats and hot dogs... ugh!). Then switch to organic. Then you'll already be moving in the direction you want to go.

    If you still want to give up meat altogether, start by phasing it out. Make your favorite meals, but leave the meat out. For example, make chili with extra beans instead of beef. Use beans in your tacos and burritos instead of chicken. If you feel daring, try tofu or tempeh in a stir fry. Grab some of the soy and wheat based fake meats out there and see how you like them.

    To be a vegan takes a bit more effort. You eliminate ALL animal products, including eggs and dairy. Some vegans eat honey, others don't.

    In either case, I'd take a multivitamin that includes iron and the B vitamins (calcium as well if you go vegan) until you're sure that you've got the hang of a balanced diet.

  4. Stop eating hot dogs and cold cuts, they're both processed meats and really unhealthy. Chicken, ground beef, and fish are all fine but if you want to go vegan you can get most of your protein from various nuts and seeds, milk (soy milk if you decide to avoid all animal products), whey, beans, etc. The reason you hear vegetarians losing hair is because the don't get any protein in their diet. It's not entirely because they're not eating meat, they're simply not getting as much protein as they should be, meats aren't the only food containing protein.

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