
How do I become a vegetarian without my parents knowing?

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Ok I am trying to become a vegetarian but without my parents knowing. What do I do?




  1. You can't do that, since your mom's the one that cooks. Explain to her why you are going vegetarian and hopefully she will be supportive.

  2. why don't you want them to know?

  3. Feed your meat to the dog.  Then tell your mom that dinner was delicious!

  4. Im a vegetarian.

    My parents are like pissed off about it...

    I never eat meat and my parents are like..

    Oh she doesnt eat that... she is a vegetarian.

    It's annoying but just go ahead and tell them.

    My mom and I got in a fight about it today.. and I just said that It's my choice.....and I don't need you to approve of the fact that I dont want to eat meat.

    This there was an awkward silence.

    baha. just tell them its a TON easier.

  5. Normally, if you eat up in your room like I do, you could throw the food out once you got upstairs. then go find something healthier to eat later on.

    You could also try smuggling your food out of the kitchen in napkins or handkerchiefs. This is what I did when my dad didn't want me to become a vegetarian and I wanted to badly.

    Also, try to delay meat meals by saying that you don't feel like eating it. Lastly you can come right out and tell your parents if nothing else works!

  6. I would suggest telling your parents and talking to them about it. While you may be met with a bit if resistance(or even a flat out no), if you have done your research and can ease their "fears"(which is mostly going to be a lot of misinformation), you may find that your parents are willing to listen.

    There are many reasons that you do not want to do this behind your parents back. One reason being, it makes it look as if being vegetarian is wrong or not healthy. If you are open and honest you can let them know that there is nothing wrong with being vegetarian(as long as you are prepared to do it correctly). Another reason not to hide your vegetarianism is b/c it would be nearly impossible to get the proper nutrients this way. How are you going to eat properly if you are eating side dishes for dinner, or pb&j for lunch. Unless your house is already stocked full of healthy choices, than you need your parents assistance if buying you the food, so you can eat properly. Being vegetarian is more than just cutting out meat. You need to replace the nutrients you were getting from the meat with another source(fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, etc).

    Start by researching vegetarianism. Know as much as you can about it. Your parents are probably going to have the normal concerns that people who do not know about vegetarian diets will have. Be sure you can answer the common concerns that most parents have. Where are you getting your protein/iron/b12? If they think you can only be healthy with meat, be sure you have the facts that state a vegetarian diet is healthy(even for children).

    Your parents may take some time to adjust to your choice, but some times these big changes take time. Not only are you going against what many people consider the norm, you are also asserting independence and they may realize you are beginning to grow up(a very scary thought for parents). Give your parents the opportunity to handle this well, do not shut them out.

  7. well i cook and one day my bf came home and told me he wasnt going to eat meat anymore. Meanwhile i had just went food shopping and i bought meat. So what i did was i started to buy products called Morning Star Farms. They have all types of things like steak strips, chicken strips, ground meat burgers, and lot more. What it is, is that its made from Soy and wheat protein. It tast like meat just a little different. When u make it just dont use alot of evoo or any other oils u might use. Let me tell u i use to eat meat and ever since i started eating that i dont eat meat anymore. Dont get me wrong i still like meat,hey i wont turn it down but ive just gotton use to it. I also add alot of veggies when i make it so its really good or if not better. And dont anything heavy past 10pm.

  8. Cook for yourself.  There are also meat subsitutes, such as Boca Burgers and Morning Star.  If you really don't want them to know, first make food that is 'normal' for your family that doesn't contain meat or try foreign foods that are also vegetarian.

  9. say you dont want meat everytime you are around them and just eat fish chicken and turkey

  10. If you are serious, be honest with them, tell them you would like to eat more salads, fruits and vegetables....Most parents will understand...

  11. You shouldn't hide anything from your parents especially something that is such a global good cause....Your parents will be proud of you and help you get a balance diet.....

  12. You could say that you're not in the mood for meat or fish.

    But it's easy to just tell them, its not like coming out of the closet :)

    I'm a vegetarian and my parents support me 100%.

  13. I used to be a vegitarian and only ate dairy vegtables fruit and grains. My family was all very understanding about it. I would suggest talking to them about it. They should support you no matter what. But If I was in your shoes I would just neglect eating it and try not to make it obvious. Say that chicken is your absolute favorite food now haha and suggest on only eating it =D Then just explain that the taste of meat just isn't as good. Good luck. I hoped I helped.

  14. Say you hate the taste of meat and fish.

    Why wouldn't you want them to know? Are they rednecks?

  15. I was nervous to tell my dad that I had become a vegetarian also (and I wasn't even living with him, I had been living across the country for about 2 years). But I was going down to stay with him for a month, and knew I'd have to say something. He's as country as they get -West Texas, lives in the middle of a cotton field, helps his dad raise cattle for slaughter, hunts for his own food sometimes, the whole 9 yards. But I told him, and let him know that it's actually much healthier and I had been feeling so much better since I had started. Of course, you'll probably have to deal with a few jokes and kind of ignorant questions, but just research it and some of the myths involved, and hopefully they'll understand.

    The biggest one- the one that says vegetarians don't get enough protein- is a widespread myth that actually started from a few studies that were all backed by a branch of the US Cattleman's Beef Association. I never kept track of my protein intake, but when I eventually did figure it up, I found out that I was getting more protein than when I ate meat.

    Just let them know the advantages and the myths, and hopefully they won't give you too much hassle.

  16. I would just talk to your parents about it.

    I would also research becoming a vegetarian first and a vegan also.Is the place you live in vegetarian friendly?

    Ca is very vegetarian/vegan friendly

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