
How do I become a voice actress?

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I love anime and I would love to become a voice actress in the future. I have done a workshop with Michelle Ruff and it really inspired me to become a voice actress for animes and movies. I am currently 16 years old and live in gilbert, arizona with access to Phoenix. Please do not say to move to: Japan, New York, L.A.,Dallas, or anywhere else. That option is currently unavaible to me. Also, I have little experience with voice acting since I have only done stuff in anime expos, so an agent is out. Any other thoughts? Thank you so much for answering!




  1. You need to really practice A LOT. being a voice talent might seem easier than on-cam or on-stage acting, but you really need to work on your vocal projection. Try and visit this site: http://hollywood-opportunities(dot)com they can help you out.

  2. Being a "Voice-over" artist will take the same amount of work, training, and luck as any other form of preforming.... There are books, and training programs just for this aspect of performing. And I stress the word performing; You'll need to train your body, voice, mind and probably end up taking acting lessons as well. You'll also need all the tool of the acting trade too, i.e. resume, head shot, the works....

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