
How do I become an American resident?

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I want to learn gunsmithing as soon as i get there in a workshop so i can possibly work in the USA after i get my qualifications. How do i do all this? I can't jump borders because I live in Australia and I don't want to be an illegal.




  1. Stay put, I have friends who live in Australia and they say its 10 times better than America.

  2. If you have a talent that is lacking in the United States, check with one of the firearms manufacturers and see if they are hiring. They would then hire you with a B-1 visa.

  3. I would stay there, there are too many white haters here as you see from the posts.

  4. Well being Mexican and as you can see we are very hated here even though we have all the jobs all the ignorant people don't want I can tell you that  you'll have better luck than a Mexican to get in to this country because for Mexicans the wait is over 15 years, maybe some people will understand why most of us are illegal here, they never approve our applications, or they keep pushing us to the back of the line while they let all the criminals in, oh but did I mention that they'll still take out tax money, now that's legal!!! good luck and I hope you are happy with what ever you decide.

  5. Hey

    If you are serious about becoming  a U.S resident here is what I recommend, go to your Immigration services headquarters or embassy and apply for either a student visa, tourist visa, and once you get it immediatley start your resident application for U.S resident. You have to be in American soil to file for U.S residency.

  6. There are several ways to become a legal permanent resident.

    1. You need a sponsor (like a relative or friend living in the US) who earns $30,000 to $35,000 USD bucks per year. They'll be financially responsible for you while you're living in the US.

    2. You have technical skills that a company or workplace needs from legal immigrants such as medicine, information technology worker, or a science profession. Or an international company you're working for in Australia who will sponsor you to work in their US branch.

    3. You're a foreign business entrepreneur who wants to open up businesses in the US and give jobs to Americans.

    If you want to study in the US, you can apply to be a foreign student. I don't know any gunsmithing schools offhand in my homestate but this is a gunsmithing school that I was interested in applying before. Check out this official website for accurate info on immigrating legally:

  7. Do what everyone else does, just walk across the mexican border.

  8. Please don't. We have enough problems with illegals getting assimilated. I love Australian people however, we need to send the Mexican illegals back to their home first then we would be happy to allow you to try.

  9. if we cut out the hispanics we could let in more people who want to come here LEGALLY..

  10. Jumping borders isn't the only way to come here illegally, you know. Just come on a visa and don't go back after it expires.


  12. Get married and welcome to the US

  13. good question!

    I dunno. I'm an alien

  14. come to alberta in canada.

    there is a big time shortage of workers and the companies there offer the highest wages in north america.

  15. you find a american women to merry

  16. Dude, no offense but you should stop watching  American movies and TV.

    Real Life in  America is much harder and you live in a country( Australia)  with the same standard of living that here in U.S.

    If i was you I would give my best in Australia and  try to do the best of your life there.

    Just look at the exchange rate. 5 years ago the 1 US dollar was around 1,75  Australian

    Now 1  dollar is = .9799 dollars Australia

    Like the same value

    You will be taking from Peter to pay Paul

    Plus the  immigration process can cost thousand of dollars and  many many years to get complete.

    By  the time you become U. S Citizen you probable can get  PHD in Australia and make around more then 100k a year in Australian with a very good life style.

    Don't waist your life coming to the U.S.

    Good luck

  17. You need a passport, a VISA, and to do some contacting with the Immigration Department. Since you speak English, it makes things a million times easier.

    Having a good record helps a lot. You better not have a felony on your record.

    You can get dual citizenship if you want to be an Australian and United States citizen at the same time.

    If you are really desperate, you could get married to an American. But don't do that to become a citizen!!!! That makes things get really ugly.

  18. Good luck! The immigration process is like pulling teeth.

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