
How do I become an Olympic athlete?

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When I grow up, I want to become a Olympic cyclist. I wanted to be one by watching the 2008 Olympics today and I saw a bicycle race. I really like bicycling so i need your help to how to enter the Olympics. Thanks!




  1. You need alot of things. You need a proper diet, bicycling clothes( shoes, socks, pants, jersey, helmet). You also need to practice alot, maybe 8 hours per day. Each day ride an amount of miles you want. Then slowly each day, increase that number until you're satisfied with that many miles. You can research how many miles these races are and try to do that many miles. You can also resesarch interviews and histories of many well-known racers and see how they started. Best Of Luck To You.  

  2. You need to ride a lot, have a proper diet, keep track of your progress every time you ride.  Read anything you can about training.  You need the proper gear and know how to fix and repair your bike.  There are plenty of sites on the web to help you out.

  3. practice and don't be too hard on your self set a goal distance and make it higher every day

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