
How do I become executor of my dad's estate?

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I am the only heir to his estate. However, my grandparents were last listed as his beneficiaries. They passed away a few years ago and my dad never changed the life insurance policy. He didn't leave a will either. I don't understand what probate court is. Please someone help me figure this out.




  1. go to the probate court in your area, and speak to them directly on these issues.

  2. Start by calling the probate office. Small estates without challenges don't always have to go thru a full probate process; in some states it can be resolved by affidavit or other means. Worst case, they appoint you to act as administrator, you qualify according to your state guidelines, liquidate assets, pay bills and distribute the balance according to state intestancy law.

  3. If you are the only heir to his estate, and nobody argues with that, they will award you his estate.

  4. Better talk to a lawyer.

  5. I was an only heir and did not have to go through probate. The estate only consisted of a house, so it was small with no debts attached. I had to get three notorized statements from people that she had known for several years to swear that they knew of no other heirs, and then I transferred the deed from myself (as her representative)  to myself (as her heir), basically. I did have an estate attorney do up my forms (title checks, debt checks) and it was under 200 dollars in my case. It would be a good idea to find out how your state laws work as that will be what you will need to go by.

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