
How do I become less "cheap" person?

by  |  earlier

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When I was younger I was never concerned with spending. Now, I am more concerned with the cost of something rather than the value. In other words, I would much rather keep my money to myself and have someone else spend, unless I can get a good deal, but then I feel bad in the end.

I was never like this before. I guess it must be from not getting enough money (as i am unemployed until next month and only get about 30 - 40 dollars at most from a family member and then blow it all on until i have only 5 or 6 dollars left on unnecessary stuff).




  1. That's a pity... U cant manage well, that means! And the real difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that of good and poor management.

      One solution is there.Just whenever you come across something you dont need,think for a while and tell yourself not to buy it.

  2. Ok ... there is no such thing as 'cheap' in these circumstances .... it's generally known as thrifty .... however in being thrifty you also seem to be being frivolous in that you don't know what  you spend a lot of your money on and then find you're left with almost nothing until your next benefit comes in .....

    The only way I can see that you might be able to get through this is to give yourself an allowance each week and YOU DON'T TOUCH the money you've put away for the other weeks .... then you work out what you actually NEED THAT WEEK and buy that - then if you blow the rest of that week's money its ok - the basics are covered .....

    But to do this you need a certain level of self-discipline and control....

    If you can then you should make out ok ..... there's a saying that means this 'cutting your material to fit your cloth....'


  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong in being cost-conscious.  Remember, higher cost doesn't always translate to better value.

    I guess you are getting wiser./

  4. Being cheap/thirfty is a good thing.  Save your money.

  5. when you are on your death bed will you be thinking "wow, im glad i didnt buy blah blah" no you wont, live life.  

  6. Sometimes our situations affects the way we feel or behave towards something, in your case money. It is very natural to be more careful with money when you dont have much of it or if you are working hard to earn it. There is nothing wrong with it, however, expecting others to pay for your expenses especially unnecessary ones is not fair on your friends and family and would tarnish your image in the long term.

    Try to plan your spending and leave luxury stuff until you have some disposable income to spend.

    Good luck

    X D

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