
How do I become less scared of a cricket ball?

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I am in Sydney Boys High School, and am in year 9.

I play in the 15 a's, and am fine with the bowlers there. I am in fact an opening bowler and batsman, but this year i am trying out for 2nd grade, which is the second best team in our school. This team versus other schools year 11's and 12's, and so i am worried of fast bowling. Are there any techniques or tasks i can do to reduce my fear of the ball at fast speeds?


p.s. i use an above average bat weight for my age (Gray Nicolls Fusion Players, Short Handle.).




  1. You'll be fine as your ability and confidence grow.

    However, like the previous poster indicated; getting hit is part of the game sometimes.  So buy that protective equipment that he advises you to.

  2. I used to be the same as you! I was so scared of the fast bowling on my legs! It use to creep me out! Just practice and get your coach to tell you the right technique.

  3. I have a light hearted suggestion. Go over to Brett Lee's house and get him to send you down a few overs. After that, you will never be scared of anything again for you will have faced the worst.

  4. Hmmm... well, first try out with the ball machine, using softer balls. If you can play with the comfort of knowing that you will not get hit very hard on the body, you can work on your tecnique, and eventually gain the confidence needed to play fast bowling comfortably. However, getting hit is part of the game... so no guarantees! Maybe keep an ice pack in your kit bag or something, just to soothe some of the nastier bruises. Also buy every piece of protective equipment under the sun, like arm and thigh guards.

  5. you need to practice and get foward to a quick ball.

    and once you know it wont kill you, you will gain confidence and bat stronger

  6. don't think about the ball coming at fast speed to you think about

    something else

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