
How do I become mentally tougher in my running?

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I always start off exactly how I want too in the 2 mile. My goal yesterday was too break 11. I started off the first mile at 5:28, exactly where I needed to be. However, the 2nd mile i slowed down so much, getting 5:56. What really killed me were laps 6 and 7. The problem is though lap 8 i totally legged it and got a 64 for the quarter. I obviously had more left to power through those laps and at least get an 11:10, if not hit my goal. How do I gain the mental toughness to push through those laps? Is it all natural, do i need more experience, or what?




  1. was that at the georgia state meet

  2. I am also a freshmen in high school and I also run the 2 mile(10:39) and breaking 11 is a tough thing to do at first. Really you need to tell yourself that its no big deal its just pain. When im hurting in a race I try and push myself harder to make myself think that im fine (seems to work for me). Just tell yourself you've come this far already only a few more laps there is no need to give up now.

  3. Since you are only a freshmen, you probably don't have as much experience.  My coach tells me that its all a learning process.  Every race you learn more and more about the way you race and what pushes you to do better.  It took me a whole season to figure out what my mental block was.  Before the race (800m) I decided to just run and to not slow down even if it killed me because what do I have to lose?  If I don't take risks and try to push myself I will never get better.  So when you are on those tough laps just think how great its going to feel when you break your goal, think about all the hours you spent training , and tell yourself that you have the strength to keep going and you aren't going to run out of energy.  You sure had a kick on the last lap, and thats a great time for a freshmen.

  4. Try telling yourself that your body is fully functional and there's no reason for your body to slow down. Imagine that the "race" has just started and you can't show that you're a weak runner. Pretend there's someone watching you at that point that you want to impress. Tighten those muscles up and go! Unleash your inner power! It is in your 7th lap that you're warmed up enough to unlock more strength!

    Hahaha, does that "pep"-talk help? Kinda cheesy/corny.

  5. You should just be proud of yourself honey...

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