
How do I become more politically aware?

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Recently, I have realized that I want to be more politically aware of candidates, issues, etc. since an election is coming up (the first one that I will be able to vote in) but I'm not sure how to do this. I've subscribed to a few newspapers that cover more political issues than my local newspaper, but I still feel like I'm lacking in knowledge during my government class. Are there any ways or ideas about how to become more politically aware?




  1. Join a republican/democratic town commitee. Your local register of voters can assist you. They will give all the assistance you need. If not happy with either party, start your own!!!! The local town clerk will help you.

  2. Read a lot, talk to lots of people from varied backgrounds, and when you feel you have enough background knowledge, make up your own mind about issues.

    At the end of the day, while a knowledge of how political institutions work and of political ideologies is useful, politics is about people and how they live their lives.

  3. visit a campaign office

    State/ county/ or local party headquaters

    City or Town Council Meeting

    Call your Congressperson or Senators office

    Internet ( Blogs, Election news,ect..)

    these and many more can be do to be Politically aware

  4. Education is the key. Don't be so shallow as to worry about issues that are important to you..........that is how the sheeple are herded into losing their money. Instead, truly educate yourself on the founding principles of this county. It is tough reading, but read the the Federalist papers. These papers were written by our founding fathers to explain the reason behind not only our founding document(Declaration of Independence), but the Constitution, and the Bill of rights(first ten amendments). Learn how our economy is supposed to work, and compare that to how it has been corrupted over the years. On one hand, if you actually understand the founding documents, and how our economy is supposed to work, you would never vote for a Democrat in your life. On the other hand, paraphrasing Winston Churchill "Show me a man at 18 that is not liberal, and I will see a man without a heart. But show me a man who at 40 is not a conservative, and I will see a man without a brain"

    Your political awareness will be an evolving position, tempered by the best education there experience.......which at 18 is non-existent.

  5. is there anything you do not like about  the school system you are/were in? Talk to someone on the board of education  and see how they would handle the situation vs how you would handle the situation.....


    Subscribe to that, apparently it's good

    This election is gonna be a joke tho


    wait jk, that source is pretty non-objective, but w/e.

  7. in the age of the Internet it's much easier.

    1. look up the issues (or issues that are important to you)

    2. look up each candidates position of each of these issues

    3. if you want a better idea of the candidates views do a more in depth search to see if the candidate has changed his/her position recently (to attract more voters)

    you can Google each candidate and get as much background as you can stand

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