
How do I become the legal guardian of a 17-year-old minor child currently living in Michigan foster care?

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I'm a 34-year-old who would like to become the legal guardian of a 17-year-old. I would like to get him out of foster care and have him live with me.

He was placed in foster care for 3 months where he will be returned to his birth mom Sept 19th, 2008. The birth mom was sent to rehab for 3 months.

His birth mom approves of my being the legal guardian in order to prevent the 17-year-old from having to go back into foster care.

What are the requirements to be a "legal guardian of a minor" as far as income, employment, marital status, etc. are concerned.

What are some reasons the court wouldnt allow it?

Where would I find the appropriate attorney in Flint, Mchigan?




  1.   You  have  to  talk  to  the  administrator  of  the  facility  to   start  the  proceedings  and  they  will  tell   you    the  qualifications  and  it  is associated  with  a  Probate  Attorney  or  call  Legal Aide  in  your  County  and  they  will  guide  you    or     check   online   for  one  in  your  area.      Good  luck

  2. <What are some reasons the court wouldnt allow it?>

    If the child is a ward of the state, the mother may not have any say in where the child goes to live.

    You need to talk to the case worker.

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