
How do I begin a running regimen?

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I used to run alot when I was in the army. Since then i had two kids and would like to start running again to get back into shape. Where do I begin??




  1. start with walking and add running in intervals. Like walk 10 min run 10 min. then slowly back down the amount of time you walk and increase the time you run. Run every other day, to give your body time to heal. Also, dont forget to strech before and after.

  2. I say that if you live in a neighborhood run around there so it isnt totally unfamiliar and if your kids are old enough you can have them run with you. Start by running until you get tire and do that for a few day and then after a few days I suggest still running after you get tired still. And then push yourself to as far as you can go!

  3. I would start out with a 5-7 minute run. Add a minute to your run every 3 days you run and slowly you will build endurance. Then as you are in better shape, start going by distance, like 3 miles and constantly try to beat your own times. I have a Nike/iPod thing that tracks my time and mileage while i run and listen to my music, you can buy it at Best Buy for like $25. Good Luck!

  4. when i started, i started with simple 1/4 & 1/2 miles, and then you can build up the distance as time goes on.

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