
How do I bend a spoon with my mind?

by  |  earlier

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Or at least make it look like I am...




  1. you would have to have telekinesis to do that  

  2. It's an old trick- you can learn to bend it with your thumb though..

    it's supposed to be a magic trick

    look online for it or at magic stores

  3. dude r u on drugs... lol...dats a really stupid question, n its impossible to answer bcus there is no answer.!

  4. First you close your eyes...then you fall completely asleep.  Otherwise you have to use your hands to bend the spoon.

  5. srry you have to be psykick to do that

  6. you're freaky.

    (backing away)

    (from a million mils away)

    who r u like professor trelawney

  7. think about the people who have real problems - think real hard about homeless people, people with cancer, people who have a spoon but no soup to eat, etc.

  8. Welllllll...first let me tell you that we as humans only use 10% of our brains, so we have 90% of un-used brain power.  Some people think that if, somehow, we are able to tap into that other 90% we might have the ability to do things like bend spoons with our minds. But they've also said that it's possible that we won't be able to actually do that until we evolve further, so there's a low chance you could do this at all.

    But I'm not one to bring people down, so keep trying!

  9. With your mind u can't, but as a trick u might, check this website:

  10. you melt the spoon and then put infront of your face. i'll melt

  11. You don't simple as that. The brain / mind has no physical power beyond making you think or feel things depending on how you or your feelings manipulate it. The spoon can tecnically be bent with your mind because your brain tells you arm to move and bend the spoon.

  12. watch the matrix

  13. eating the spoon is more effective

  14. Are you retarded?

  15. exactly, there is not spoon. just like there is no sound but variations in the pressure of the air  

  16. You don't.

    There is no spoon.

  17. use your mind to have your left hand grip one end and the right hand grip the other end of the spoon.  Then use your mind to tell them to exert pressure on the spoon there by bending it.

  18. u can't its impossible  

  19. To make it look like you're doing it, have a pre-bent spoon.  Hold it at such an angle to the person you're trying to fool so that it doesn't look like it's bent.  Hold it between your fingertips at the point where the handle meets the bowl (it's thinnest here) and while pretending to bend it with your mind, rotate it so they can see the bent part.  It's (not) magic!

    It's a lot easier to do this in front of a video camera, where people can't see it from other angles.

    EDIT :  Purple - you have a crappy health teacher.  We use all of our brains, just not all the time.  And there's no part of your brain that lets you break the laws of physics.

  20. start a fire....

    melt the spoon to bend it and pretend your using your mind

  21. The mind doesn't do things like spoon bending.We can use it to imagine things like spoon bending.Some folks aren't able to tell the difference.Here is some spoon bending information

  22. First place the tip of the bowl of the spoon on the table.  Now lower your head until your forehead touches the end of the handle.  Now push hard!

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