
How do I benefit from learning bioloy?

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need for H.W thnx




  1. if you take it, you will probably learn how to spell it

  2. You will understand life, including your own, (to some extent) if you study biology.

  3. It helps you understand how your body functions, which can help with your personal health, immune system, etc.

  4. Biology deals with the science of life. Today biology plays an important role in studying how cells, tissue, organ and then human being function. It enables us to find new cures such as for AIDS and cancer. It enables us to predict life and how to make some organisim function like the way we want it like genetics. Biology enables us to discover the patterns and differences in organisms.

  5. No matter what career you have, you'll still be a living organism.  You will have to make decisions about medical treatments for yourself and maybe someone you love dearly.  Your decision may mean whether you or your loved one lives or dies.  My wife had to make the decision of not resuscitating her brother who had had a stroke that made him a vegetable.

    I had an accounting major who asked the same question of me.  I told him that he might need to have an understanding of biology in his career.  His response was "fat chance!"  A few years later he called me to tell me that his first assignment for his job was to analyze the best methods of disposing of the waste products his employer generated producing cardboard boxes!  He discovered their waste products could be used in making other products so the company could make money rather than burn or bury the wastes!  

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