
How do I bet my puppy to stop biting so much?

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My Puppy, I got 2 months ago and it has really sharp teeth, its a b***h poo (bichon frise mixed with toy poodle) I know puppys bite a lot because there teeth hurt but we will sometimes bite at your face. What should I do?




  1. Just say you bet him ten bucks he won't stop.

  2. I have two puppies myself and i have learned that while a puppy is teething you have to give them hard toys tht they can bite into and dicipline them if they go for your hands or something instead just change your tone of voice and they can tell in a second. hope i helped! <3

  3. put mustard all over your face

  4. when he does something you dont like---like biting a finger or goes for your face, hold his mouth shut firmly and say no once with a very stern voice----repeat if he keeps doing it

  5.   Puppy play-biting is the means by which dogs learn to develop bite inhibition, which is absolutely essential later in life.

    The combination of weak jaws with extremely sharp, needle-like teeth and the puppy penchant for biting results in numerous play-bites which, although painful, seldom cause serious harm. I've had much success with my pups by "yelping" like a litter-mate would to let them know that it hurts.  By this reaction from you your pup will receive ample necessary feedback regarding the force of its bites before it develops strong jaws – which could inflict considerable injury. The greater the pup’s opportunity to play-bite with people, other dogs and other animals, the better the dog’s bite inhibition as an adult. For puppies that do not grow up with the benefit of regular and frequent interaction with other dogs and other animals, the responsibility of teaching bite inhibition lies with the owner.

    Remember it is not necessary to reprimand the pup and, certainly, physical punishments are counterproductive, since they tend to make some pups more excited, and insidiously erode the puppy’s temperament and trust in the owner. But it is essential to let the pup know when it hurts. A simple "yipe" is usually sufficient. If he keeps it up too much and is extremely persistent jumping at your face and keeps coming at you I'd  stand up and give him a bit of a time out from play for a few.  Like I said, puppy biting is actually a very important part of learning for them.

  6. Biting is normal puppy behavior. Puppies will put absolutely everything into their mouths because they are curious and want to learn about new objects. However, you are right to teach your puppy to stop biting on humans. The best training to use on a puppy is positive reinforcement.

    Here are some things that may help:

    1. When your dog has his mouth on you, it is important NOT to jerk away. Jerking away will cause you to get scratched. More importantly, sudden and quick movements may make your dog think it is a fun game and reinforce her biting/mouthing behavior. At worst, quick movements may instigate your dog's prey drive and cause her to get aggressive. Instead, stay still and either give a No command or yelp as a puppy might do to his litter-mates when they are playing too rough. I use the yelp for puppies who are still learning and for accidental biting.

    2. Yelping will startle your dog and cause her to release her mouth. Quickly follow that up by redirecting her onto a toy. You don't need to shove it in, just put it there for her to bite on.

    3. Hand-feed her

    You can try and teach her some bite inhibition. Hand-feed her some kibble one by one. If she bites too hard while trying to get at her food, yelp in a high pitch, and ignore her for a few seconds. Then start feeding her again. This way she learns that biting hard can hurt humans and when she does that, the food and attention stops. Hand-feeding is also good for bonding and establishing your leadership.

    4. Time-out. If your dog continues with her bad behavior after you have told her to stop, then say "time-out" and remove her to a time-out area (a safe but boring room, e.g. laundry room). Leave her in there for a couple of minutes and let her out. If she starts up again, non-mark her (ack, ack), and say time-out and put her back in time-out. This time lengthen the duration to about 10-15 minutes. Note that if your dog stops the bad behavior, make sure to praise her a lot and give her good treats. Keep this up and your dog will learn that certain behaviors get her rewards while others get her into a boring room with nothing to do.

    5. NILIF program. A great way to establish yourself as leader is through the control of resources. Don't give anything to your dog (including pets and affection) unless she does something for you first. For example ask her for a "sit" before you give her food, toys, or freedom.

    6. Obedience training. Try and do some obedience training sessions everyday. Enroll in a class or get a good positive reinforcement obedience book, and practice with her for short sessions (10-15 minutes) every day. This will help establish you as a leader, improve your bond with your dog, exercise your dog's mind, and give you good tools that you can use to help control her in the house.

  7. its called "teething" he/she needs chew toys.

    and if she/he are biting places u dont want bite you need to start traning him/her not to by telling her a firm no and push her/him a little away from the chew thing and give him/her their chew toy instead

  8. shes teething

    if she bites you growl at her and stare her in the eyes without blinkin and then ignore her. if she keeps going then grab her by the scruff of the neck (DONT LIFT) and shake her till she's limp , then ignore her and go and do something for 30 sec.

    this is what their mothers do to teach them that it's unacceptable behaviour.

    get her some teething toys, how ever if you get her a tug of war toy keep it in a high place and only give it to her when u want to play and always make sure yu win because if they win then leadership goes to them!

  9. I have a Golden Retriever and he used to bite a lot... but every time it bit me or anyone at my house, we'd hit him on his mouth; not a hard punch but like a spank.

  10. you go up to it and flick it on the nose when its chewing on something and yell NO bad don't do that anymore xD

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