
How do I better understand my cat?

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Cats are tough, and I can't always figure them out, so how do I better understand my cat?




  1. Cat's are thier own boss...They can change their mind in an instant...They possess everything in thier world...

    Cat's are women in little fur coats !

    Does that clear things up for you ?

  2. there really is no way to "understand" your cat.

    play with her and feed her and she should be happy.

  3. Just watch and learn. Every cat is different; my two cats are brothers, and their body language and personalities couldn't be more different! Some things to keep in mind, though, are that when they wag their whole tale they aren't happy- they're pissed.

    Them biting you doesn't always mean their angry, believe it or not. If they gently take your hand in their mouth while your petting them, then sometimes its just a love bite. Believe me, though, you'll know the difference when its out of anger.

    Finally, people commonly think that purring automatically means their happy but it doesn't, sometimes it means their nervous or upset. Think of it like a little kid sucking his thumb- sometimes he does it because he's happy and content, and sometimes he does it to try and calm himself down. Its the same thing with cats.

    Other than that, though, just watch your pet! See how he acts when your feeding him, when he's about to fall asleep, and when he needs something. Pay attention to how he acts just before scratching you or running away. They aren't as easy to read as dogs, but they definitely do communicate their feelings.

  4. I've had my cat for 6 years and I still don't understand him. As I type this he's chasing his tail in a box. Why? I don't know, but he seems to be enjoying himself.

    The more time you spend with your pet, though, the more you'll get to know his moods, quirks, likes and dislikes.  

  5. it will not take u a day or two days or a week to understand your cat so don't worrie about it. always feed him and show love and affection. there are some books that will help you  to understand the moods of the cats by their tail and they can be very helpfull. also do not over love them they also need their space.

  6. observe him or her eventually you'll get to know! he/she gets to understand you in the same way over time

  7. If you spend some quality time getting to know your cat  you will soon understand the language it speaks.  They have a specific meow for going out, or for food, or if something isn't right.  My cat lets me know when to pet him, and does things to attract my attention.  

  8. A cat purrs, it is happy. A cat comes by you and wishes for you to pet it, the cat loves you. A cat swishes it's tail when it's interested in something... Cats beg for food sometimes too, cats can be annoying for no reason. Usually they meow for attention, or if something wrong. Cat meows are like people talking, different pitch and length of your cat meowing could mean different things. I'm sure you'd know if a cat was yelping out of pain, or it meowed at you cause it was happy. :) Cats use alot of body language cause they don't have words like we do, you can read people well you can understand a cat. After all, 90% of language is the things people DON'T say. Cats like animals like bats, mice, bugs, etc to eat/chase after kinda like a wild cat or a big cat  and can go crazy for stalking its prey. Cats crave freedom, moreso when they don't get it. They are actually really smart creatures... sometimes cats can open things, and they almost always understand what your saying, (the majority of them anyway) to better understand your cat you need to show it lots of love and affection, and be very patient and watch it alot... I don't think they mind so much staring like people do. Are you good with dogs? Cats are similar in a way. Sometimes cats even touch you, or paw at your face or body, this would mean they want something... XD they can copy human behaviors like smiling, opening doors, pressing buttons, flushing toilets, eating human food preferably... when a cat is in a good mood, you'll know. when it's upset it may or may not be a bit standoffish and anti-social. Some cats are, they are lie people with varied personalities. Cats like to sleep alot.. Cats would preferably come to you over you coming to them, and they like gentile people not ones that push and shove or make loud noises. Cats really love to know what your gonna do before you do it. That builds trust. Uhhhhmmmm I don't what else to tell you. Watch them, and compare it to people skills I guess.

    Good luck, hope that helped!

  9. I have 7 cats right now, and while I can interpret most of their behavior, I can't get all of it. They all have distinct personalities, are jealous at times of one another, are independent, need love, lots of petting - I have 2 that love to have their noses rubbed - 4 that don't like it and 1 that will bite you (gently) if you try to rub their nose. Their personalities are subtle, and everyone is right - the more time you spend with your cat, on his or her terms, the more you'll understand him or her!

  10. Their body language shows everything.

    If their ears are forward, they're content.  If they're laid back and their tail is whipping back and forth, they are very upset.

    Cats can purr because they're either happy or in pain.

    If they rub against you, they're showing that they "own" you.  They have scent glands where their whiskers come out, and they mark you (or anything they rub against) to signify to other cats that this is their territory.

    They cover their job in the catbox to hide their location due to predators.

    Cats also bite due to a number of things.  If they don't like what you're doing, they love you intensely, or they are in pain.

    If they suddenly start hiding, they have a health problem that needs to be checked asap.  This is another way to hide from predators.

    They use their whiskers for numerous reasons; they are a "barometer" that shows if they can fit into a space, and if they're playing, their whiskers point forward which is to "site" prey.

    If they bring something to you (hopefully dead) it's a gift to you to show that they can provide for you.

    You can tell if they're sick because their ears are warmer than normal, the second eyelid comes up alittle and their nose is warm and dry.

    Cool little creatures and even though they own you and you don't own them and they're independent, it's just a ruse.  They love their master completely.

    Hope this helps alittle.

  11. I have had a lot of cats and most are pretty easy to figure out. Remember they all have different personalities just like people. I have an inside one right now that is perfect--except for one thing. She only likes affection when she wants it. I chalk it up to her personality. Or it COULD be the fact she is a female!???  Anyway, just do your best with her and you will both come around to understand each other better.

    Good Luck!!!

  12. I don't think we will ever understand cats. My first cat I didn't understand at all. But my second cat was really incredible. In the first few weeks we bonded so well. Eventually, I thought as though we both understood each other completely. I guess it's almost like human relationships. With some people you just click, and others you just don't get.

  13. Get in their face and both of you touch noises.  This is greeting.  Also. Give them love. Pet them alot. Always, once a day, do a noise touch. Until when you go and do it they put theirs to yours.  This worked for me and now my cat and me are best pals.  He even takes walks with me.

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