
How do I blend in When going to France?

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I'm a 17yr old girl and am taking a trip to France(Paris) alongside my Dad and Step-Mom (going to the Alliance Francaise to learn French Language) and I was wanting to know what I can do to make myself appear less like a tourist/avoid pickpockets/dress like a French teen etc.




  1. Don't hang out in the street with a camera!I'm French and frankly,I can't tell if a person is French or not just by looking at her.People will know that you're a foreigner if they hear you talk.

  2. here's a great tip.  have a local paper to put on the table at  a cafe when you sit there with your cafe.

    it makes you look less like a "tourist"

  3. Just hold your nose upwards, pretend to hate and be better than Americans even tho we liberated those wimps from the n***s so that they could continue to run around being snooty and ungrateful. Be careful over there. If the terrorist invade they will trip over themselves to be the first to kiss their azz and point you out to them like they did the Jews in ww2.

  4. Contrary to "so called" popular belief about the unshaved armpits, lack of good hygiene and things of that nature, French women are always have their bodies waxed, expect head of course.  NEVER wear a skirt/dress with legs unshaved or they'll know you're a tourist.

  5. stop shaving and you will fit right in!

  6. be yourself and enjoy...France is beautiful!

  7. It seems the teen style now is jeans or stretch type pants in dark or neutral colors, or straight short skirts with leggings or tight jeans underneath, with long tight fitting shirts or sweaters.  A lot of them wear long skinny scarves around their necks and carry small vinyl messenger bag type purses.  These go over your head on the opposite shoulder, and you can hold onto it.  Teens can get away with those canvas type shoes or ballerina flats... Usually not sneakers... and definitely no shorts or sloppy t-shirts...neat capri pants are ok in summer.  Don't worry, unless you are French, you are not going to blend in no matter how you dress.  Just have fun!!!

  8. Be a ***** and smoke ciggarettes.

  9. I don't have any fashion tips for you, but in terms of enjoying your stay and possibly having some good conversations with the people you meet, I would strongly advise steering clear of the mind-numbingly idiotic and predictable-as-the-sunrise France-bashing that some of the people who've responded have resorted to. Bear an open mind, as opposed to paying attention to hate speech from the mouths of people who in all likelihood have never actually been anywhere. As for avoiding pickpockets- use the same street smarts you would apply in any major city. Paris isn't especially dangerous but a bit of common sense and caution go a long way. Lastly I just want to wish you a great trip- have fun!

  10. OK, first don't wear the following in Paris:

    Ball caps or visors

    Sports apparel, except for NY Yankees items.


    Shorts. Capri Pants are recommended

    f***y packs.

    Tennis shoes, except when exercising.

    Cargo pants.

    Standard street dress for the young French girls are close fitting jeans in dark colors, these little flat soled shoes that look like ballerina slippers, and a blouse or t-shirt with a sweater.  Scarves are also very common, even on days when it isn't cool at all.  Colors are mostly dark and muted, not usually bright, but there are exceptions.

  11. Dont wash or clean your teeth for a week, Eat stacks of garlic and onions so you sweat like a manderill on heat.

  12. Wear a cape.


  13. don't wear white tennis shoes

  14. Be careful of your shoes. Be careful of bright, loud colors.

    You can actually wear anything in Paris. The secret is in how to put it together. Sports clothes are definitely only for the gym. Sandals are okay, but it depends on what type. Bright colors are also okay, but not head-to-toe. Don't even pack any shorts unless you're headed to the beach.

    I used to wear shorts in the summer in Paris just to torment my French teachers but they were very conservative shorts with a fashionable top on *extremely* hot days. I think I got away with it but I was only going to and from class during tourist season and have long legs that I was keen to show off. I was just being a "coquine" and would never try it today with 10 years and pounds more!

    Again, you'll see French people with English writing on their shirts, bright colors, sports shoes, etc. but it's *how* not *what* they wear. Mixing and matching is key. You don't want one theme going on, like you just walked out of the "hood", the gym, the beach or the you make your living after 10pm on street corners. You'll see a girl wearing a racy shirt, with sports shoes and tylored capri pants, for example. The skinier you are, the more you can pull it off...

    Bring what you want, with an emphasize on conservative clothes. I'm not talking office clothes but bring some basic jeans and tops, plain jacket, scarf, etc. Once there, look around and see what girls your age have on.

    Better yet, save some room in your suitcase and head for the nearest Morgane or Caroll when you get here!

  15. Don't wear a lot of makeup, young French girls are very natural, with loose, natural hair.  They tend to wear kind of bold jewelry, big necklaces and such, even with casual clothes.  They tend to be extremely clean and simple in their clothing.  Take some nice sunglasses, not sporty ones but stylish ones, like those oversized ones Nicole Richie wears.  Jeans are fine.  Don't try to hard to be fashion-y.  Couldn't find any non-pornographic pics online, sorry!

  16. Don't speak English at any audible volume. Don't wear a T-shirt that says 'J'adore Paris', don't walk around with several cameras strapped to you. That should do it.

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