
How do I block certain pop ups?

by  |  earlier

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My stupid sister went on sites that she's NOT SUPPOSED TO GO ON and went and gave my computer some stupid pop up virus thing.

One certain site keeps popping up saying "your computer may be infected! download antispy now!" blah blah blah.

Is there a way to block certain sites?

Or do I just need to hit my sister over the head and make her pay to get the virus removed?




  1. U May switch ti mozilla fire-fox browser...or need to scan ur pc with anti virus..... or u can go tools--interne option--privacy--& in the bottom side need to click on block pop-up...good luck..

  2. Umm yes. but first of all, why would u go to a website thats not trusted without a virus protection. unless u have one. and

    go to tools on the internet, click turn on pop blocker. and u should be set

  3. Follow the instruction on the link below to clean your computer

    10 easy step virus and spyware removal using free software

  4. there might be some trojan running in the background which is showing this warning. you should download some trojan removing software free and run the scan. you can download a simple and small size tool from here

    try it you will certainly get rid of it.

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