
How do I block stupid spam comments on my bebo profile?

by Guest45438  |  earlier

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Is there any way that I can block all those stupid spam messages that keep appearing on my bebo profile? They say stupid things like "Come watch me on webcam" and "Check out my new thong" and all this dirt!Its really annoying! They are starting to private mail me too. When I try to go on to their profile's I can't, as it's private, so is there any way I can block ALL spam from appearing on my page?? Thanks!




  1. Change your profile to private. But if you dont want that then do that thingy where you review the comments before they go on your profile. like when you sign in or on the homepage it will show you the comments people send you. and if its spam you can reject it.


  2. Don't make your profile public

    If its private for friends only then they can't access and put a stupid comment on.

    I have a private and i am spam free

    Or just report them all

  3. I'm not sure how to block them but I always report spam to Bebo.  I haven't had any for ages now.

    You could also make your profile private so that they can't leave comments at all.  

  4. yeh put change your settings so your profile is not protected

  5. Its when your friend uses Bebo on his/her mobile. I dont know how to stop it though, maybe delete them??

  6. only allow comment from friends u have already added this way when they try and post a comment on your page u will be given the option to accept delete or decide later wheter or not u want the comment to be shown on your page.

    to do this go to your home page then your account, then change prefrances and in the drop down box select review comment from non friends only and click save.

    this way all commments from your friends will go straight to your page but the 1s from non friends and spammeres will have to be confirmed by u b4 they are shown on your page

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