
How do I boost immune system the most?

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I have Bell's Palsy and apparently a strong immune system helps cure it, any advice (that's good) is welcome...




  1. Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type at

  2. I used to get colds, 'flu, and tonsilitis regularly. Since taking the following daily, on advice from Dr. Mercola, at (Use the SEARCHBAR) I have had none! (for 2 yrs, now!!!): garlic (2 cloves, crushed), turmeric (1 tsp), 2 tsp of a mixture of: 1 part nutmeg, 2 parts cinnamon, 2, parts cloves, 20 parts ginger, (or try your own mix[es]: I just like the smell: it seems well balanced to me, with nothing dominating) which he advises people to alternate, because some may develop an allergy, if taken daily. I think the garlic & turmeric (in curry) are OK daily for everyone, but maybe alternate the others. These are known to have antiviral, and antibacterial properties. I have read that echinacea and goldenseal boost the immune system, and if I had the spare money, would probably take them, along with many other products, but I have to pick & choose according to a tight budget.

  3. I don't think I can advertise here - if you, through Yahoo! Answers can contact me, I can introduce you to the best nutritional products currently in the world -company on the go since 1958! We empower people to become healthy, feel good and added bonus - anyone can join the business venture - guarantee success if you want to realise your dreams.  Not just talk - it's for real! Products based in nature and backed by science!

  4. Hiya.There are some supplements that you may benefit from, which include multibionta there is a probitic version which may be of some use and then there is Multibionta Immune (to help support/complement immune functioning), I'm not sure whether it has probiotics as well. I think it does, but both are complete multivitamin supplements. If you would prefer not to take a supplement I would simply suggest you have foods rich in vitamins and minerals, live natural yogurt and foods with pre and probiotics can help boost the immune system of course if you choose to you could use the supplement alongside such foods. But make sure you are not having too much vitmains and minerals, stick to the recommended daily allowance. There are also a few yogurt type drinks such as yakult and actimel that are proven to help support immune functioning.

    Take care, all the very best.

  5. Vitamin C and Zinc tablets, the combination of the two is essential. This combination will also halve the time you have a cold.

    Also, Echinasia in whatever form you like. Take it for about six weeks then leave it for about one week, then repeat. The break time is to ensure your body maximises its effect.

  6. I feel blessed being able to share this information with you.  Please check out their page.  Their testimonials and information will not only inspire, but it will enhance and improve your health, allowing your body realigned to it's natural state. The company that has been applauded and world recognized for it's cellular renewal and wild mushroom extracts and MUCH more has been

    You should really check out their products as well as the testimonials. I have never felt more balanced and healthy in my life. Light and blessings to you!

  7. Take Echinacea. Eat a rainbow a day. (thats friut & veg all colours of the rainbow) & get some Reiki.

  8. The two natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil are both good immune system boosters.

    Echinacea is only suitable for short term use and if you use it for a long term it is likely to actually weaken your immune system.

  9. A strong immune system helps cure just about anything. I have fibromyalgia, and did a lot of research on the issue of the immune system a couple of years ago. As was suggested Echinacea is good, but you are not suppose to take it all the time, just a couple of weeks and then go off of it. You might want to add Goldenseal in with the Echinacea. There several things that I found, one  was taking better vitamin's and supplements. Many of what you buy do not do you much good, and what they say is in them probably isn't. Many just go right on through a person without ever entering your body to help you. Another thing that helps is getting rid of toxic chemicals in your home and personal care items. The chemicals in many products have lots of toxin's in them, and those overload the body, and bring the immune system down.

    Get plenty of rest, at least 8 hours everyday, try to make your sleep pattern always the same. If you do not get enough sleep it breaks your immune system down. Food is another thing, if you drink a lot of soda, junk food, food with preservatives, this all breaks the immune system down. Eat fresh fruits and veg., but clean them well to get the pesticides and fungicides off of them.

    Good luck with the Bell's Palsy, I hear it is kind of weird. The person that I knew had it in her face around her mouth, and one eye. She got over it fine, and has no lasting results, is the good news.


  10. Please,  check everything about xango juice.  It´s made of the mangosteen fruit.  This is an asian fruit with 43 xanthones, which has multiple preventative and therapeutic applicantions.  You can check where you will find all the informative material available published by doctors and specialists.  Also you can find more information  at and choose your country.  

    Please,  if you are looking for something  really good for your health,  this is the best  you can find.   Don´´t dismissed this alternative without information.

  11. Black molasses is brilliant. It totally cleans out your system.

  12. Your lucky. Some people have illness thrust upon them that they don't deserve, and end up having to take medication for the rest of their life's to help with their immune system. Just do what you think is best, and remember, there are a lot out there that have no choice and are not as lucky as you.

  13. Echinacea tincture is a brilliant immune booster.

  14. fresh fruit,and veggies, certain mushrooms like shitaki, cordyceps. if u have a china town near u go there or google. They have studied immunity for thousands of years and have lots of good stuff.  Bells needs time and patience good luck

    are great with immune boosting.

  15. This may boost your immune system, but won't 'cure' BP.

    Phytodefense.(TM) Also their Nourishake builds up the immune system long term.

  16. There are a number of ways to boost your immune system. One way I've heard of is by taking a supplement containing silver. Wealthy eople have been using silver to boost their immunity for centuries (that's where the term born with a silver spoon in your mouth comes from). Here is a link to the best silver supplement I've found:  

    I hope this helps!

  17. A herb called Golden Seal  also Echinacea. Natural anti biotic.

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