
How do I break in my new tall boots in a week?

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I just got riding boots and I have a show in a week and a half. I am planning on wearing them while I ride in lessons and practices, but I need other tips.




  1. wear them everywhere!!

    put lots of conditioner on them, try pushing the toe up the calf of the boot to break in the toe and ankle

    and if youre really, desperate, drive over them, yes with a car

    i know it sounds really crazy, but ive known people who have done it and it broke their boots in really really fast but didnt mess them up

    ive never done it myself, so maybe ask your trainer for other tips too

  2. Just wear them around the house... that's all I can say! Over time they will brake in. :)

  3. lol i looked at this question cuz i need the answer. im in like, the same situation girl, but i was gonna just wear them. EVERYWHERE. and use leather conditioners

  4. These are your new kicks sweetheart! put away the flip flops, heels, sneakers, anythign you wear and your high boots are hte way to go until your show! oil them so they are a bit easier to wear and not so un comfortable.

    good luck! im gonna need a new pair soon and will be doing the same thing your not alone!

  5. Don't wear them everywhere!!! They will break in the wrong poisition! when you are riding and when you are just normaly walking are two totally different poistions! Wear them when you are vaccuming though that is ok and try to find somebody who you ride with that is your same foot size and they could wear them while they are riding. I had to break my boots in a week too!! This is what i did and my boots broke in perfectly!!  

  6. Bath Tub Method!!!!

    Only way to go!  It will have your boots completely broken in by your 3rd ride!

    -Fill the bathtub with warm water.  (if you live too far from the barn, a water trough will do)

    -Put your boots in the water, get them completely soaked, and let them soak there for 20-30 minutes.

    -Put the boots on (preferably outside at the barn)

    -Ride, muck, feed, work, etc all day in the boots as the dry.

    -At the end of the day the boots should be dry, take them off and oil them.

    -Leave the boots sitting upright (as if still on your legs) with lots of oil.  It really works well if you can open a drawer and tuck the tops under it to bend the ankles forward.

    -Wear the boots everytime to ride, and I guarentee that after the 3rd ride your boots will feel like a second skin.

    I have used this method on everything from $75 Devon Aires to $200 Ariats.  I've also used it on paddock boots, roper boots, and chaps.  It has never caused one bit of damage to any of the leather, and those $75 boots feel like a pair of $500 customs!

    Best of luck!

  7. Rub leather conditioner in twice a day and wear for at least 8 hours a day if you can

  8. were them at home outside every were you go!!!!!

  9. wear them ever wear you go that is what i did with my western boots

  10. I wore mine around alot and rode in them for 1 hour a day for like 3 days and they were broke in, and i didnt use a conditioner at all ...

  11. Put them on and wear them!!! Wear them lots and lots!! Ride in them from now until the show and don't stop wearing them. Also you can stand up in them and have someone oil them and blow dry them. I did that with my boots and they ended up fitting like customs.

  12. Wear them at home, to the store, everywhere you go! The more you wear them the better they will break in. You can also rub them with conditioners every day to soften them up.

  13. where them every where you go!!

    i had to break mine in before a show in just 2 days and it was fine.. i wore them all day each day even in the house!

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