
How do I break it to her please look!?

by  |  earlier

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so the girl I was talking about yesturday sent me a note saying she got VERY shy when talking to me and that she thinks I am cute. But I do not like her I've just met her and we only have one class together plus shes 14 and im turning 16 later next month




  1. tell her the truth

    tell her that ur not up for this

  2. It's better to be honest about it. Just tell her that you think that she is a nice girl, but you don't have any feelings for her in that way. Simple. As long as you aren't rude about it, then I think she will be alright.  

  3. I think that sometimes a white lie is OK if it is done to spare someones feelings. You could tell her that you are very flattered but that you are involved with someone else.  

  4. look if u don't like her tell her ur not interested but don't be mean about it.........and if u just met her u never know u might like her later but like u said u just met her........and well shes younger than u but idk maybe later it won't bother u.......but for now tell her u just met her and don't like her...but like I said before in the begining don't be mean about it

  5. dont start any conversations and if it gets to the point where u think she might even ask you out say hey last weekend i saw this really hot girl and shes totally into me. shes perfect (and list everything the "annoying" one isnt)

  6. you just have to break it too her nicely, and don't do it around your mates cause she'll be really embarressed.

    And to be honest there is nothin wrong with a 14 and a 16 yr old going out.

    Im 14 and all my boyfriends have been at least 3 or 4 year solder than i, but them again all of my closest friends are 3 or 4 yrs older as well, so it can be a maturity thing.

    Be nice to her. She might be a little bit physco cause she has low self-esteem. Tell you don't like her in that way, but you'd still love to be friends

    good luck

  7. Just tell her thanks for the note in passing. Do not tell her you do not like her unless she asks directly.

  8. just tell her you dont want to be friends like that, and you are sorry. there are lots of fish in the sea :)

  9. you need to let her know that you just met and you would like to be friends and get to know each other and then maybe just maybe something more! its always easier to let her know now and not later! good luck

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