
How do I break my 2 year old from crying everytime I leave his sight?

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I have been an at home mom with my son since he was born. Things have gotten really bad. I cannot do anything without him. Everytime I am out of his sight he cries and throws a fit. I can't go to the bathroom, take a shower, run to the store, or even step outside for a couple of seconds without him throwing a fit. I am at my wits end. Everyone is getting upset with his fits and I don't know what to do. He is always behind me. I walk and turn around I run right into him. He has to sit next to me and hold my hand all day long. I need help......




  1. You're the reason he's crying!!

    You have to just let him cry. Know that he's going to cry. Accept it. Also know that it will only take minutes after you leave for him to find something interesting and stop crying.

    As far as not even being able to bathe without him crying, you have to learn how to leave more often. His understanding right now is, " crying brings her back. It works EVERY time" and that is why he cries the minute you leave the room. You have gotten him used to seeing you return the minute he sheds a tear. So, leave. Ask your husband or a responsible adult to watch him while you run to the store. And when he starts to cry, don't even turn around. It'll hurt and feel like you're neglecting him, but HE WILL BE OK.

  2. let him what you have to hear it eventually he will stop and realize that things are okay and he can make it without you.  I had to do this with my daughter when she was two.  She is four now and is doing just fine.  I had to pee with the door open or take her in there with me whenever I wanted to shower.  It was retarded./  So I know first hand what you are going through.  Finally my parents we nice enough to attempt to take her for a whole weekend so that I could have a break.  She cried they said for about twenty minutes and then finally calmed down enough to try to play.  It's a stage they may all go through, you just have to tough it out and don't turn and run right back as soon as you hear them crying.  Good luck I hope this helps.

  3. when you leave him alone and you hear him cry, do come back until he stops. this will give he the understanding that although you are gone, you will always come back. but don't leave without saying goodbye. just say " *child's name*, mommy is going to shower, I need for you to stay here and play with your toys. As soon as mommy gets done she is going to come right back".  Of, course he might throw a fit but at least you have reassured him that you are going to come back. When you come back, whether he's crying or not, say to him " Mommy told you that she was going to come back, and she did right? allowing him to answer. This is sure to work. Good luck! Oh, if all else fails, just lock him in the closet! Just kidding!

  4. your kid has had too much attention.  many children pass through that phase, and it's especially pronounced if the child doesn't have a baby brother/sister.

    try putting him in a day care/creche and stay away from him at regular hours during the day - let that be at the times you know he doesn't really need you to survive.  whenever you're around be loving and sweet like before, but never hesistate to leave him when you need to do some important things.  with time he'd get used to living without you, and learn to be a person of his own.

    don't let his fits intimidate you.

  5. That is very normal for that age.  Some kids are just more clingy than others.  Just keep reassuring him that you are there, and are not gonng leave him.  He will grow out of it.

  6. let him cry! as mean as it seems it works start going more places and tell him no! you cant go in time he will get the point is there a person you trust to leave him with when you go on errands or whatever maybe just to leave him a few times a week for a little bit that way he will notice that when you leave you ARE coming back try it i gave the same advice to my daughter and son and theyre arent so stressed out anymore i just go and pick up the kids 2 times a week and it gives them time to do what they need to without a kid in the crack so to speak, good luck it does pass im assuring

  7. I had a friend in your exact situation. She enrolled her son in a daycare and found a partime job.  As her son became comfortable with his new surroundings and his new caregivers, he actually started asking to "go to school" as he called it.

    Under any circumstances that would make the situation a lot better for you and your son.

  8. He loves you so much.  That is so sweet.  I don't know what to tell ya.  My Grand daughter does me the same way.  I just give in and hold her all the time.

  9. Unless there has been some change in the house that has him upset, it is going to take a little time and a lot of reassurance that you are coming back. Tell him that mommy is going to go out for a bit and that daddy (or who ever you leave him with while you are gone) will be there to take care of him. For when you need to go to the bathroom, tell him what you are going to do and you will be right back. A lot of 2 year olds go through a phase of separation anxiety where you have to be in their sight at all times.  My 5 year old did this too, and still does to some degree.

  10. You can't really 'break' him of wanting to be with you.  It's actually a good thing, he is bonded with you and wants his mommy.  But of course, it will make you nuts.  Rest assured, it is only a phase and he will outgrow it.  However, for now, ignore it.  Do what you have to do and let him throw a fit (as long as he is safe, of course).  It is bothering you because it stresses you to hear him do it.  When you accept that is what he is going to do and just think to yourself, he will only be crying, he is safe, then you can do what you need to.  Getting upset with him will only make him cry more.  Do deep breathing, think about happy thoughts, anything but just ignore his fits.  Be sure you do actually spend quality time with him but do not be anxious at leaving him in some one else's care.  Both you and he will be fine.

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