
How do I break my addiction to Milk

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I am a Milk addict. Seriously. Idk what it is but if i go more than 2 days without it i get cold sweat and I'm rewally jittery. When i can i drink almost a gallon a day. Plus when i drink it a get a huge glass and i chug it right down. I think it's starting to make me gain weight. I do drink skim milk. How do i quit.




  1. That really sounds weird...I mean, I love milk, too, and chug it down really quick, also, but I've never heard of such issues as yours.  Maybe it's something in the milk, like the hormones or something.

    I'd suggest checking out some of that organic stuff and see if it satisfies your craving.  Or maybe your body's craving protein or calcium.  Other than that, I'd say you're only doing your body good (I'm not a pro though).  "Milk it does a body good", ya know?

    If you're gaining weight from it, start lifting weights...maybe you could pound it into muscle.

  2. just every time you want to drink milk drink fresh water

  3. a. become lactose intolerant

    b. go milk a cow 8 hours a day

  4. It is completely impossible

  5. If you drink skim milk then it is not making you gain weight. There never is just one thing that makes a person gain weight. The only thing that makes people gain weight is consuming more calories than they burn. You can eat all sorts of junk food but as long as you burn it off then you won't be fat. It all comes down to self control more than what you consume.

    You also cannot be addicted to milk. There is nothing addictable about it.

  6. Milk is healthy. If you are gaining weight it is not because of the milk--especially skim. Keep looking for an area that needs reform. Slow down a little bit.

  7. well milk is good i wish i could drink like that i barley drink milk at all  and if u think u gaining weight then it is healthy fat so its ok

  8. If you were chugging down the same volume of energy drinks or alcohol, that would be different but I would never advise you to stop drinking milk.  

  9. drink milk thats gone bad one time and ur off for a long time...

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